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  1. cranberry

    2 quick questions.... fuzzy d lion, and lil sail fin tang

    They can be fed a long time on goldfish, so they could have been eating goldfish the whole time. I haven't run across too many that wouldn't eat ghostshrimp. But if they ate goldfish, they should recognize guppies. They don't have the same level of thiaminase in their skin as goldfish does...
  2. cranberry

    2 quick questions.... fuzzy d lion, and lil sail fin tang

    Can you switch to mollies and guppies for training.... preferably ghostshrimp if you can get them? Maybe this will help.
  3. cranberry

    everyone getting divorced?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff This wasn't an issue of child support, it was restitution. The kid got thrown in Juvi hall or whatever they call it now days and they make the parents pay for the incarceration. Child support agreements include more than just a set sum that is paid on...
  4. cranberry

    U-Verse TV

    I LOVED U-Verse. Loved Loved Loved. Then I moved and my only option was Time Warner. Who I Hate. Hate. Hate.
  5. cranberry

    everyone getting divorced?

    Not California. Or it could have changed.
  6. cranberry

    Lionfish tanks shots

    I was thinking that's how it happened, to be honest.
  7. cranberry

    Yummy, we have an old BBQ standby on the menu tonight.

    I like gadgets.... I'd want the stand. Talk to me about chicken guts. Is there risks of GI upset?
  8. cranberry

    Lionfish tanks shots

    That was mrdc digging around in the trenches.
  9. cranberry

    Lionfish tanks shots

    I think they would have liked those pics in September :-)
  10. cranberry

    everyone getting divorced?

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff The point is his wife wasn't forced to pay a nickle even though she had a working spouse. California is a community property state so what's his is also her's. On the other side of the equation they figured in my mom's income to come up with the amount my...
  11. cranberry

    Yummy, we have an old BBQ standby on the menu tonight.

    It's rainy and cold here... I'm coming to your house.
  12. cranberry

    everyone getting divorced?

    Correct. I live in California and I know this law well. Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Child support...This falls into a totally different situation. The "deals" made at the divorce table are fine, however not enforceable when it comes to the kids. Child support is not money for Mom or Dad...
  13. cranberry

    everyone getting divorced?

    Your step dad needed a better lawyer to explain things. Child support agreements are modifiable in more states than just California. Your step dad also has his story a little backwards. "California law is quite clear that new mate income cannot generally be considered against you in ordering or...
  14. cranberry

    Koalas Disappearing???

    That's a great song! That's their old sound! Sing Mary Mac with me!
  15. cranberry

    whats going on?

  16. cranberry

    Koalas Disappearing???

    Liked their first 2 CDs.... not much after that. They were originally singing very classic Newfie songs and then they mainstreamed it. I want good ole lyrics like "That ole black Rum's got a hold on me like a dog wrapped 'round my leg". That's words Newfs can associated with! I never appreciated...
  17. cranberry

    Koalas Disappearing???

    Newfoundland, Canada.
  18. cranberry

    Koalas Disappearing???

    Quote: Originally Posted by DragonZim I like my humpback with a side of fur seal You must be from my home town! Seal is a way of life!
  19. cranberry

    whats going on?

    I have my biggest tank build going on.... but what's the point if I can't post pictures (or I should say it's too much trouble to post pictures).