Search results

  1. evilss

    aA recent pic of my green morey

    awesome eel.
  2. evilss

    Socal: 12 gallon JBJ DX for sale

    if this doesnt sell localy let me know. thanks.
  3. evilss

    400 Gallon Tank!! What should I do?

    you could consider a tang for the algae problem.
  4. evilss

    dying chromis?

    sorry to hear about your loss. i lost one not to long ago as well.
  5. evilss

    finally got a pic of my new 100

    nice looking setup.
  6. evilss

    Electric Flame Scallop

    i dont think any has had alot of luck with any scallops.
  7. evilss

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    anyone intrested??
  8. evilss

    72' 900 watt MH&PC lighting system

    what are you asking for the lights?
  9. evilss

    WTB Southdown in MN

    good luck. i am looking for some too.
  10. evilss

    Just A Thought

    looking good so far. when you get your filtraton running it shoudl clear up in no time.
  11. evilss

    Blue ring octopus?

    i agree with these guys. i like venomus and real mean fish. but i wouldnt even attempt trying to keep one of these. they look awesome. just to big of a chance.
  12. evilss

    400 Gallon Tank!! What should I do?

    as far as eels escaping. as long as you got secure lids on the tank you shouldnt have a problem. double check the back of the tank if you have any plumbing back there, make sure there are no holes for the eel to escape. just try to plan ahead if you decide to keep aggressive. there are alot...
  13. evilss

    400 Gallon Tank!! What should I do?

    i would say since you dont have much experience with fish tanks i wouldnt do sharks. especially if money is an issue. you could go with some schooling fish or go aggressive. you could get some great aggressive fish for this size tank. get you a colorful angel. get a puffer or 2. you could...
  14. evilss

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    yea i know. thats what makes him so awesome. if i could aford to get him i would. but im helpin a friend out. plus i know that it will go to a good home here.
  15. evilss

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    oops its posted twice.
  16. evilss

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

  17. evilss

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    here is what he sent me
  18. evilss

    Blue Ribbon EEL advise needed

    i will agree with MorayM. i want one as well and from what i read gettng them eat is the hard part. i would watch the lfs feed him. also do you plan on upgrading the tank for him? something a lil larger when it gets older. how much is he at the lfs?
  19. evilss

    hawaiin dragon eel for sale

    gasguzzler: i will get you a pic. thanks.
  20. evilss

    And I shall call him spike

    awesome star.