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  1. paulcoates

    Coral Beauty Questions

    he never ate. I got him on Thursday and all he did was stay in 2 spots. i dont know what to do. I tested my water and everything looked good. I did a few top off over the last few days and did a 4 gallon water change tonight. All of my corals are doing good, so I dont think it was water...
  2. paulcoates

    Coral Beauty Questions

    Well, he's dead
  3. paulcoates

    Yellow Polyps

    How long will it take for a small colony of 5 polyps to double in size?
  4. paulcoates

    Coral Beauty Questions

    My tank is 5 months old and none of my fish have ever had any diseases
  5. paulcoates

    Yellow Polyps

    How long do these take to double their population?
  6. paulcoates

    Some Updated Tank Pics

    The hawk has quickly turned into my favorite fish. Before it was my lawnmower blennie. But he hides too much and is scared of me when I approach the tank. The Hawk seems to love the attention and hangs out on the top of my live rock all the time
  7. paulcoates

    Some Updated Tank Pics

    As a matter of fact it does...Some nice Orange Zoos. The Favia is really responding nice so far and seems pretty easy to care for
  8. paulcoates

    Dead Cwabby!!!!!

    Go into your profile and upload an "avatar"
  9. paulcoates

    Dead Cwabby!!!!!

    I wouldnt worry. I had an Emerald die and I had a YT Damsel die and everything in my tank lived. I have a 55 gallon with 110 lbs of live rock in it. Plus, I have a 400GPH filter, 2 450 GPH power heads. I dont know what you have, but my guess is that one tiny little crab wont foul your water...
  10. paulcoates

    Some Updated Tank Pics

  11. paulcoates

    Some Updated Tank Pics

  12. paulcoates

    Some Updated Tank Pics

    Just got several new corals in the tank since Thursday. Here are sime updated pics now I am definetely digging them, especially the Yellow Fiji
  13. paulcoates

    Coral Beauty Questions

    I just added my Coral Beauty to my reef on Thursday. He hides a lot in the rocks and also appears to doing some sort of headstand in the crushed coral... I dont think he is eating. Is this normal behavior for them?
  14. paulcoates

    Id Please.

    maybe a Brain - Green Open ? Brain - Green Open
  15. paulcoates

    Low-light corals

    Mushrooms, and that is about it at that levels of light. You really need to spend money on lights to get corals
  16. paulcoates

    is this brown alage good?

    stop using tap water
  17. paulcoates

    Shopping anyone?

    you dont really thin that this thread is going to be around for more than 5 minutes, do you?
  18. paulcoates

    New tank additions

  19. paulcoates

    New tank additions

  20. paulcoates

    Question about Zoos

    does that mean that I can break the loose piece off and move it to another area of my tank without harming the polyps?