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  1. paulcoates

    Pics of Updated Tank

    I just added 70 pounds of Live Rock to it (yes I let it cure for 10 days
  2. paulcoates

    What is on my snail?

    no kids, so I am ruling out gum
  3. paulcoates

    What is on my snail?

    some kind of greenish blue spirallu shaped thing?
  4. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

    which ones? on this site there are 3 different kinds Mexican Turbo Astrea/Turbo
  5. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

    which ones? on this site there are 3 different kinds Mexican Turbo Astrea/Turbo
  6. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

  7. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

    cut back on the daytlights? or the actinics too?
  8. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

    I took a water sample to the fish store last week (because I have had 2 anemones die). He tested everything and said the only problem was that my PH was a little low. My ammonia, nitrite and nitrate have always been 0 By the way, I feed my fish flake
  9. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

    MY tank has been up for about 3 months now. Is tarted out using tap water but I did a 20% water change about 3 weeks backs, and I have been topping off with Distilled Water as of late I have an Emperor 400 and an AquaClear 450GPH Powerhead right now My lighting: Two 65 watt 10,000K and two 65...
  10. paulcoates

    Green Hairy Algae

    I seem to be starting to have a green hairy algae problem on one of my live rocks. Also, my Capnella is not opening up. I have had it for about 2-3 weeks now and it has never opened up... Help!
  11. paulcoates

    How many fish can I put in a 55

    The only other fish I want ios a Yellow Tang or Purple Tang, but I am sure the "Tang Police" will be here in a few moments to chastise me for considering putting a Tang in a 55
  12. paulcoates

    How many fish can I put in a 55

    I am planning on having Corals. Right now I have a Kenya tree (Capnella) in there. With that much live rock and 1200GPHmoving, does that mean I can have a larger bioload? If the clowns are a combined 6 inches and the YT's are 3 inches combined, and my Lawnmower is about 4 inches....that is...
  13. paulcoates

    advice on easy corals

    what kind of lighting do you have? and what wattage
  14. paulcoates

    How many fish can I put in a 55

    Right now, I have: 2 False Perculas 2 Yellow Tail Damsels 1 Lawnmower Blenny 2 Star Fish 30 Astrea Snails 5 Hermit Crabs 115 lbs of live rock 2 400GPH Powerheads 1 Emperor 400
  15. paulcoates

    PH question

    I added a PH Buffer (two parts). For the type I bought it was 5 ml per 40 gallons. Then again, it all depends on how low your PH is. You may have to add multiple caps. Test your water every day after adding this stuff. Try one capful of each (or the recmommended doasge for your tank) per...
  16. paulcoates

    PH question

    Ideally, a tank should be 8.2 Granted, PH fluctuates. Should I have my morning ph at 8.2 with the idea that it could raise the longer the lights are on during the day Or should I have my morning PH at 8.0 knowing it will raise throughout the day.... In generaly, is it safer to have your PH at...
  17. paulcoates

    Dead Condi?

    took a water sample to the LFS and he said the problem was my PH. I guess it was topping out around 8... when he tested it, it was 7.8
  18. paulcoates

    Will a LMB be alright on Crushed Coral?

    Mine is the complete oppposite. All he does is rest. I like him though. He literally sits (or lays) on the live rock and watches everything. I love when he eats. He looks like a "hugry hungry hippo"
  19. paulcoates

    Test Result Help

    I live in PA My local Walmart sells distilled water for 58 cents per gallon. You could give that a try
  20. paulcoates

    Will a LMB be alright on Crushed Coral?

    I have one now...He sits on my liverock and eats all day. Doesnt even make his way down to the crushed coral He'll be fine