Search results

  1. hlcroghan

    Kimbo TKO

    I personally think that Kimbo could do better but he needs some more experience in MMA. He has been doing bare knuckle fighting for years now. He is very strong but not as skilled as he should be. There are many fighters that get knocked out quickly, ones who are better probably than Kimbo. I...
  2. hlcroghan

    OJ Simpson Verdict

    I definitely think that he was involved, whether he actually did the cutting or not. There is too much evidence against him. He was acquitted. That case is over. Here it is 13 years later and he is using violence again to get something that he wants. This time there is enough evidence to convict...
  3. hlcroghan

    Project for poison/venom

    This could be a very dangerous project. If you are going to do this, you might consider contacting the local aquarium and see if they have samples of the venom and can let you watch while it is extracted rather than you doing it yourself. Some of the animals that you named can kill you pretty...
  4. hlcroghan

    Cowfishrule Official Weight Loss Thread

    great job!!!!
  5. hlcroghan

    OJ Simpson Verdict

    Amazing karma. 10 years to the day that he was acquitted for the murder........karma will bite you in the butt every time.
  6. hlcroghan

    middle class and taxes

    Originally Posted by reefraff Not to sound heartless or anything but we got to get over this idea that social security doesn't provide enough for retirement. IT WAS NEVER MEANT TO. It was seen as a supplement to savings or pensions. In Colorado you can get a medicare advantage plan for zero out...
  7. hlcroghan

    dwarf lions

    Originally Posted by MSCenter58 alright and i think i would be able to add a couple more fish maybe what would u suggest?? sry for all the questions im kinda new to the hobby. no problem. I am relatively new as well but have been doing research for a long time now. I really like clowns. You...
  8. hlcroghan

    middle class and taxes

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO I have noticed a lot of talk about the middle class and taxes lately . How badly they are affected by the economy . How if you make less than 250k you will not see a tax increase , Seniors with an income of less than 50k will not be affected . What about the lower...
  9. hlcroghan

    dwarf lions

    Originally Posted by MSCenter58 like how bout maybe a lemonpeel i really like the bright yellow and you can put an angel with a eel and a lion and if i picked a eel would a snowflake be good?? im looking for really hardy fish if you have any suggestions would be great. Yes I have heard...
  10. hlcroghan

    First Loss

    Originally Posted by MaryG I am looking into getting an ATO. I hope I can fit it under with all of my other stuff. My LFS finally got in some more false percs yesterday. He had to order them from Hawaii or some crap. I got there just as they arrived. I got one of them and got him home and...
  11. hlcroghan


    yes what are confused about?
  12. hlcroghan

    I Just Had...

    Can't we all just get along??
  13. hlcroghan

    Pet Peeves?

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ no, I think you misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm saying they show up late and they stopped to get coffe anyways, instead of trying to make it on time. there is a guy I work with that does this every day. the rest of us show up on time and start lugging out...
  14. hlcroghan

    dwarf lions

    Originally Posted by MSCenter58 thats prolly my best bet thanks and what would be good tankmates for the lion cause i wanted to have some sort of tang and angel and maybe a trigger let me no your thoughts. thanks be careful of any fast moving aggressive fish around a lion. lions are not fast...
  15. hlcroghan

    Obsession: the Movie

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Who straps bombs on their bellies and gets on a bus full of kids? Who drives up to a line of men trying to get work and explodes their own car to kill as many as they can? Who straps on bombs to kids in a school and wants nothing......but to kill all the kids...
  16. hlcroghan

    dwarf lions

    Originally Posted by MSCenter58 i heard that small tanks slows down the rate of growth is this true?? and the lion and clown will be seperated in about 3 months christmas time That is not true for saltwater fish, but can be true for fresh. They may be okay for a couple of months if they are...
  17. hlcroghan

    Obsession: the Movie

    I really dislike movies like this for one simple reason. Jihad does not mean a holy war against other people that are considered evil. It has to do with the inner war within oneself to resist temptations that lead to sin. The Islamic religion has little to do with terrorism. A lot of that has to...
  18. hlcroghan


    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius This kid was on the boards here for over 2 years....doesn't anybody in North Carolina know this young man?? Just goes to show you we should all make a better effort to know our fellow fish keepers.
  19. hlcroghan

    What more can I put in a FOWLR tank?

    Yep I would get out that damsel. They will likely not let any other fish in the tank.Even the clown may get territorial with that size tank. Some sort of sand sifter sounds like a good idea. Keep your substrate nice and clean with less work from you. :)
  20. hlcroghan

    dwarf lions

    Originally Posted by MSCenter58 i justed wanted some basic info on dwarf lions how to feed hardy they are....minimum requirements...tankmates and so on any info is helpful. i have a 30gal with just a false perc. Thanks I think that might be a bit too small for them but they are not...