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  1. taz5

    Poly filters

    Any where to buy the poly filters inexpensively or in bulk?
  2. taz5

    Protein skimmer

    the msx will not fit in the sump. The Red Sea C- skim 1200 seems to be the best for the config for the tank. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  3. taz5

    Poly filters

    Sounds like a plan. Since you are in Md where is a good place to get live rock and fish?
  4. taz5

    Name The Fish You Can't Seem To Keep

    Have lost 4 Yellow tangs and have given up. Had a 6 inch Lunae wrasspe in tank for 5 months until I put a clown trigger in the tank and within 4 months the Lunae wrasspe disappeared (no remains to be found and did not jump out).
  5. taz5

    Poly filters

    Will put pictures up in the next few days. Only have about 29 inches of ht and the Red Sea is the only Protein skimmer that can fit and has a good reputation.
  6. taz5

    Juvi Emperor Angel

    Juvi Emperor Angel has brown pits on face. Is the angel changing or is it vitamin problems?
  7. taz5

    Poly filters

    The tank was cleaned on Friday and Sunday the Poly Filter is black. Guess we need a Protein skimmer asap. Changing the Poly filter every other day can get expensive.
  8. taz5

    Poly filters

    Looking to put a red sea 1200 protein skimmer to help. What do you think? This is a fish only tank.
  9. taz5

    Poly filters

    would the protein skimmer help?
  10. taz5

    Poly filters

    Is it uncommon to change a poly filter in three days? In process to buy protein skimmer for my 325 gall fish only tank. Tank was cleaned on Friday and Sunday the Poly fileter was black.
  11. taz5

    Protein skimmer

    Will measure foot print and get back to you. Thanks again.
  12. taz5

    Protein skimmer

    will measure to foot print to see if it can fit. So is it the msx or octpus you recommend? Thanks.
  13. taz5

    Protein skimmer

    What is the difference on price and quality. Have 31 inches of ht below.
  14. taz5

    Protein skimmer

    have 325 gallon tank all fish and need of protein skimmer. Looking at getting Red Sea 1200. Any ideas or other skimmers.
  15. taz5

    Porcupine puffer

    Had the same problem. It took the puffer 3-4 weeks to come out and swim. Good luck.
  16. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    Puffer eats live brine shrimp and that is it. Puffer sits on bottom moves 1/2 way up the tank sometimes. Puffer now has moved gravel and sits in the hole. Last puffer eat out of my hands. This puffer should be in counseling. boring. Might get rid of puffer if things don't change. Any ideas?
  17. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    To all thank you. Will keep you posted.
  18. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    Ok. LFS had no ghost shrimp, so we got live brine shrimp and small feeder fish. Put brine shrimp in and all the fish were eating like it was no tomorrow and then puffer came out and eat. Then put feeder fish in and puffer looked and saw new food, but luna wraspe ate all feeder fish. Puffer is...
  19. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    Thanks. Will pick up ghost shrimp tomorrow. Hope it works. Will keep you informed.
  20. taz5

    Porky Puffer

    What kind of live food would you recommend?