Search results

  1. sweetdawn

    75g About 8 or 9 Weeks in, Tell Me What You Think.

    i like your rockwork. lettuce rock gets really nice color i have some in my tank. the peices have a lot of character. one of mine looks like a dragon skull including eye socket. (that is where my flower anename lives all the nooks and crannies give you lots of good hiding places and place to...
  2. sweetdawn

    Pics of our new corals

    i got a ric that color recently. I was curious what you paid for yours I think the girl at the lfs made a mistake when she gave me the price but at ten dollars i grabbed it quick.
  3. sweetdawn

    Elegant Coral?

    i have one under pc and its doing fine
  4. sweetdawn

    Question about Lighting

    someones going to yell at you about the fish in your tank.
  5. sweetdawn

    The Difference Between Men and Women??????

    if men are such better drivers how come they pay more for insurance. You need shoes to match different outfits i dont see why that is hard to understand. I have been happily married for 18 years my husband is my best friend. We still go on a date once a week. even if it is just to arbys or...
  6. sweetdawn

    Creating an angry little world

    damsels are evil:scared: i had a damsel and then i put in a clown fish and the damsel harrassed him so bad i had to get and anename and then i had to get better lights and then i had to buy corals and spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars and it is all the damsels fault. he went back to the lfs...
  7. sweetdawn

    id please

    sry dont know but ill bump ya
  8. sweetdawn

    Good Clean up Crew?

    and for number in your cleanup crew my tank is a 25 and i have two brittle stars, one large hermit, ten small hermits, a cleaner shrimp, two peppermint shrimp, one snail. when you go to the lfs just buy one and it gets the wanting to but something under control without rushing your tank
  9. sweetdawn

    Good Clean up Crew?

    hermits do molt i have a large hermit and one day i thought he was dead out of his shell i got the body out it was heavy had claws and everything but i didnt take out the shell. imagine my surprise a week later when i see him walking across the front of the tank. and no it couldnt have been a...
  10. sweetdawn

    First Attempt at SW - 10 gal

    some people dont think you should cycle your tank with a damsel. do a search on cycling tank. if you do use a damsel when you go to get other fish you will probably want to take the damsel out(good luck catching the little monster) they do not play well with others.
  11. sweetdawn

    Uncle Bills (Greenwood IN)

    i went in a different uncle bills and wasnt impressed. I went to the wrong one obviously
  12. sweetdawn

    just some pics off some of my fish

    beautiful fish you must have a huge tank
  13. sweetdawn

    Just got my Helfrichi firefish what do you think?

    :happyfish very pretty:happyfish
  14. sweetdawn

    Explain where your user name originated

    I use sweetdawntodusk on everything because my middle name is dawn which i go by. i have to be nice to customers all day so at night i get a little witchy (cleaned that up) but the thing said that name used to many characters so i had to shorten it.
  15. sweetdawn

    Royal Gramma MIA!!!

  16. sweetdawn

    Night time with anemones

    :rolleyes: no
  17. sweetdawn

    Job Description.....Happy????????

    i hate my job. my friend sitting here hates her job too. I manage a gnc she manages hot foods in a grocery store. i work 8 - 12 hours a day and my travel time is three hours a day so minamum of 11 hour days. employess quit without notice so you dont get to take a vacation cause you are...
  18. sweetdawn

    wish me luck

    today im determined to catch my coral beauty angel fish and my coral banded shrimp. the cbs has been mean lately and the cbaf is not being nice to my clown fish so im trading them in my lfs says they will take them in trade when i catch them. i have tried to catch them before with no luck they...
  19. sweetdawn

    todays pics

    :cheer: looks great
  20. sweetdawn

    Let me know what you think

    i agree with losing the artificial stuff