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  1. sweetdawn


    cool looking. i had a lettuce one it is the only thing that has died in my tank besides some hermits. he got sucked up into the power head when it decided to clean it. got mine from
  2. sweetdawn

    My Tank

    i like the picture with the clown so cute.
  3. sweetdawn

    full frontal pics

    hey tizzo like the way the lights are hanging. mine just hang from hooks in ceiling i like that much better going toi show it to my husband
  4. sweetdawn

    Whats my tank doing now?

    this is a hobby i thought it was an obsession. Thought nice peaceful tank would help my highblood presure.
  5. sweetdawn

    Rings or Harry???

    the first two harry potter movies the third one wasnt as good. cant stay awake long enough to watch the lord of the rings:sleepy:
  6. sweetdawn

    New Photo of my 75

    austin i like the way your rocks are arranged nice water flow not just a big pile
  7. sweetdawn

    what anemone do clown fish perfer?

    my clownfish hosted in his anemone before it hit the bottom of the tank. he was being picked on my a damsel fish (which i got rid of as soon as I could catch it) he still only leaves his anemone to grab a bite of food and swims back to hide
  8. sweetdawn

    Sexy Shrimp in a 0.75g tank

    there is nothing wrong with working at burger king i did that when i was in high school. If you are young it is a fine job, if you are older and that is where you work at least your not on welfare living off the state or something. all though how you would afford this hobby is a mystery. Yes...
  9. sweetdawn

    little brown things

    dont know but nice corals
  10. sweetdawn

    Help me identify growth on rock.

    dont know but it is on some of my rocks too so i hope someone clues you in on it
  11. sweetdawn

    Help me! or i will become a seaclone hater too!

    I hated mine at first and was very sorry i had gotten it but after i played with it for awhile it is working fine now. shut the valve all the way then slowly open it until the tube is a mass of bubbles. just do it slowly if you go to far it will stop bubbling you want it bubbling and water...
  12. sweetdawn

    Whats the most you have ever consumed?

    on my 21 birthday drank 21 shots of vodka then went to local hangout to tell people about the party at my house that night and forgot why i was there.(i wasnt driving) party lasted three days. we dumped the keg cuz everyone was drinking hard stuff
  13. sweetdawn

    Evaporation top off

    what he said:D I put in tap water once and am still fighting the nitrates
  14. sweetdawn


    my daughter likes Evanescence and is begging to go to their next concert even though she went to the last one. I personally can take them or leave them. but what i want to know joerdie is what your standards are for a hot chic cause the woman singer in Evanescence is very pretty. Unlike guys...
  15. sweetdawn

    damsels question

    damsels are mean little suckers. even the blue yellow tail ones. I had that kind and it didnt bother my shrimp but my poor clownfish was almost harrassed to death. Had to get him a sea anename wich means I had to upgrade my lights so stupid 5.99 damsel cost me a fortune
  16. sweetdawn

    Dec. 31, 1969???

  17. sweetdawn

    Someone Please Help Asap

    i typed slow
  18. sweetdawn

    Someone Please Help Asap

    is the eye cloudy? how long have you had the fish? try doing a search on popeye. if you just got the fish it could be trauma caused by lfs netting it when you got it.
  19. sweetdawn

    No Coraline Algae Growth. What to do

    try siphoning(god i cant spell) the debris off the rocks it might help i have lots of color on my rocks after only few months i add agramilk coral vital and spectra vital with blackpowder