Search results

  1. henry_ll

    First SWF order arrived!

    Originally posted by Sultan I'm about to place an order. Please post your results with the site. I have only had one problem with an order for SWF and it wasn't there problem. I ordered a package in February to my home in North Dakota after being reassured that the heat packs keep the fish...
  2. henry_ll

    mixing fish

    Firefish gobies are fine with percs. I have a pair of firefish gobies in my 70g as well as a pair of percs. My firefish spend most of their time hiding in thier darthole under a piece of LR if not they are handing out in the back of the tank.
  3. henry_ll

    Algae between DSB and Glass

    The scarlet crabs do a great job on the live rock. I don't see the nassarius snails, funnel snails or 2 queen conchs come and go they will spend days hiding an then I will see them on the glass. I am kind of disappointed in how they clean the sand I have some brown spots as well the crabs help...
  4. henry_ll

    Algae between DSB and Glass

    Thanks everyone for the replies. Let me response to everyone.bona42na - The tank has that gray granite type boarder on it. I tried to match it for a new canopy but nothing looked right. SaGxMAN - have never tried to vacuum the sand I have always been afraid that since its so fine that it...
  5. henry_ll

    Algae between DSB and Glass

    another pic
  6. henry_ll

    Algae between DSB and Glass

    I currently have a lot of unpleasant looking green algae between my DSB and the glass. I there any thing other then moving the sand and cleaning the glass to get it clean? And if not is there anything I can do to make sure that this won’t happen again?
  7. henry_ll

    Now What?!?

    Thomas712 - I used raw shrimp fender - Here are the latest reading from last nite Temp - 80 Salinity - 1.024 PH - 7.8 Ammonia >.025 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Thanks for everyones input
  8. henry_ll

    Now What?!?

    I set up my tank over a month ago and used shrimp to try and start the cycle but as of yet I have not had any change in ammonia/nitrate/nitrite. Should I give it more time? Add more shrimp? Or am I read to do a large water change and add some fish? Here is what I started out with: 45-50lbs of...
  9. henry_ll

    Shrimp and Cycling

    I was setting up my quarantine tank and was getting ready to cycle it. Is it okay to use some of the frozen raw uncooked shrimp that I have and save me a trip to the store?
  10. henry_ll

    Seeding w/ LR

    Sorry it as new tank. I havent' ordered any LR or LS as of yet
  11. henry_ll

    Seeding w/ LR

    I have 120lbs of aragonite in my 75g that I am ready to seed with 20lbs of LR. Do I mix the two together or just layer the LR on top? Also when should I add the pre-cured live rock that I was planning to add?
  12. henry_ll

    Southdown Alternative

    Where I live (Minot, ND) I am not able to get Southdown sand to mix with LS for my base. From the forum I have found as a popular alternative to Southdown. Are there any other recommendations as to a good place to get sand? Thanks.
  13. henry_ll

    LR/LS Advice

    First post so please be kind. I am new to SW so I need some advice on LR/LS. I have a 75G tank in which I was planning to start with 45-50lbs of Pre-cured Fiji Live Rock 60lbs of Hawaiian Base Rock 40-45lbs of Live Sand 50lbs of southdown or similar sand a. Will this combination work so...