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  1. dreeves

    Help! Tang has White Spots!

    What do the "spots" look like, i.e..size, shape and color?
  2. dreeves

    Ich ?

    Ich is a fully ciliated protozoan present in all marine environments. Fish with which come into contact with this can be infected (whitespots, etc). Not all fish whom come in contact with C. irritans will develope Ich. It is dependent upon the type of fish, the immune systems of the particular...
  3. dreeves

    Kent RxP

    I used it no avail
  4. dreeves

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    Number 2 for me
  5. dreeves

    Crabs, Snails, Shrimp, ALL DEAD!!! Help!

    Have you ever used a copper in your tank, or any items in your tank which may have been exposed to copper? Have you tested your supply for copper? Long shot of course.
  6. dreeves

    Seahorse question...

    I have my seahorses in a 45 gallon tall tank. About 30 pounds of live rock, live sand, 4 fake plants for them to grasp to, about 20 blue hermits, a scarlet reef hermit, one yellow tail damsel, a serpent starfish, 4 peppermint shrimp, and a pin cushion sea urchin. Only regret I have is the...
  7. dreeves

    Free U-Build It Package to the 150th

    Here is 1 post for me
  8. dreeves

    Hypo and Swing Arm

    Buy a small like 8 inch hydrometer, you can usually get them for around 3-4 bucks online, probably a little more locally. They seem to be fairly accurate, if not, at least consistent. In addition to the 8 incher I have, I also have a German handmade 18incher and both are within a point of one...
  9. dreeves

    Beth: Yellow Tang Death

    It is too bad too, they are such cool looking fish.
  10. dreeves

    Beth: Yellow Tang Death

    Tangs are very susceptable to the ich parasite due in particular to their relatively thin skin and scaling. The thinner the skin, the more of an ich magnet. Even within the Tang/Surgeonfish family of fish, some are more susceptable then others.
  11. dreeves

    Can anyone post a pix of a fish with ich? Never seen it and my fish has.....

    Brooklynella can and is treated with citrated copper, along with other methods. One would think, ones personal preferences should simply be stated as such...ones personal preferences. Too bad about the fish all dying though...been there done that. I took an over extreme and sterilized the...
  12. dreeves

    God I hope someone reads this

    I will try this again, hopefully without rudely stepping on the toes of the "experts" in here. Freshwater dips will not cure ich as someone mentioned before. Freshwater dips will kill the ich parasite which the host fish has encapsulated just under the skin. As the parasite can't survive in...
  13. dreeves

    Fish itching themselves need help

    Sounds like early stages of ich. The Ich parasites will infest the fish first in the softest portions of its body. This will be the mouth and gills. You usually will not notice the parasites in the earliest stages, but you are aware of the signs. Once flashing has began, if it is the ich...
  14. dreeves

    Can anyone post a pix of a fish with ich? Never seen it and my fish has.....

    Could be Marine Velvet or Brooklynella with the latter being larger patches. Both can be treated with copper and formalin.
  15. dreeves

    God I hope someone reads this

    Freshwater dips of a minimum of 2 minutes will irradicate the parasite from the fish. Obviously it does nothing for the tank where the ich is. When giving a freshwater dip, temp has to be the same as the tank, dechrolinated. Keep the fish in the net you catch him in to prevent having to catch...
  16. dreeves

    Ice Cap and Canopy

    What is this light setup? Could you be more specific for me please? Thanks
  17. dreeves

    Frag for trade NOrthern NJ

    How much you selling these for? And, how far are you from Carlstadt, NJ?
  18. dreeves

    Wanted: 90 Gallon

    I live in CT...Windsor to be more precise.
  19. dreeves

    Tank shutdown in CT.

    Where is Chester from Windsor? And what do you have left now?