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  1. drew2005

    Black Algae?

    I have some black algae looking crap on some spots in my sandbed and some spots on my LR. Any ideas on what it could be?
  2. drew2005

    Nitrite - Deadly Poison or Just Smog?

    Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl Nitrates aren't harmful? now I'm really lost. Honestly, I know nothing about nitrites, just that am turns to nitrites, which turn to nitrates. Nitrates are harmful at high levels. Thats why its important to keep it as low as possible or under 20ppm.
  3. drew2005

    Nitrite - Deadly Poison or Just Smog?

    Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl Nitrates aren't harmful? now I'm really lost. Honestly, I know nothing about nitrites, just that am turns to nitrites, which turn to nitrates. Nitrates can be harmful at very high levels. Nitrites break down the ammonia. Ammonia is toxic at any level. I think...
  4. drew2005

    hippo tang???

    Probably got stressed out in a 55 gallon tank. Sorry ofr the loss.
  5. drew2005

    Current Lights Came In Today

    Originally Posted by jambi0n Thanks for the info drew. I just can't wait to get started. I've been getting everything ready for the past month and a half, reading everything that I think will help out. By the way Drew, what size lights do you have? The ones that I got are the 48". We'll...
  6. drew2005

    shrimps & cycling?

    Yes you put in a raw uncooked cocktail shrimp. It will kick start the cycle and spike your ammonia as it decomposes. Good luck.
  7. drew2005

    Can I keep a pair of perc clowns and a lunar wrasse?

    Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl It's only 75gl, can't get a tang, or else I would. That's two votes for the royal gramma over the purple...I'll have to see. It'll be awhile before I add anything. I have a yellow tang in a 46 gallon. LOL I KNOW I KNOW...i know a couple people who have success...
  8. drew2005

    Current Lights Came In Today

    Congrats! I have the current lighting too. Love it. By the way, you really dont need to run the lighting during your cycle. It really doesnt have any effect. Save the bulbs and wait until your tank is cycled and you have a clean up crew. Then throw the light on and enjoy.
  9. drew2005

    Can I keep a pair of perc clowns and a lunar wrasse?

    I have a yellow tang with my 2 percs and they get along fine. When i first put the tang in he was acting like a toughguy and chased the percs around a few times. After that no problems. They are one happy family. h* I would definitely go with a royal gramma. The purple pseudo is a nice fish but...
  10. drew2005

    water changes

    Water changes are necessary. You need to do changes to replenish trace elements in the water for your livestock. I do 10% weekly changes which for me is 5 gallons. Some people do 20% every 2 weeks. Some people do it monthly. You need a clean container like a 5 gallon bucket from home depot. Mix...
  11. drew2005

    Diamond Goby

    Great pics!! :joy: I gotta get one now.
  12. drew2005

    Feeding Yellow Tang

    I have Pro Salt Pro V 100% vegetable. Its a frozen green sheet. Guy at LFS said break a small piece off and feed everyday. I also have 2 clowns in there and they seem to like the stuff too. How much and how often should i feed?
  13. drew2005

    Diamond Goby

    Thanks for the replies. I was watching that goby in the tank and i said DAMM i gotta have it. They are really cool to watch.
  14. drew2005

    Interesting Water Change Find

    I had that same issue. It seemed like my nitrates were never going below 20. Then all of a sudden after about a month of weekly 10% changes, i saw 10 then 5 then 0. Ever since then all my parameters have been stable. Ive had 2 clowns in there for over a month and they are happy as can be. I just...
  15. drew2005

    New Clown Not Eatting

    Originally Posted by sin yes this is the only fish in my tank right now but i will be getting 2 more tomorrow Congrats on the new addition. However you should wait at least 3 weeks before adding anything new. You need to let each addition get used to its surroundings. Adding too many fish at...
  16. drew2005

    Diamond Goby

    What do you guys think of a diamond goby in a 46 gallon? My LFS has one for a good price and i need to get my sand cleaned up. It is just not white anymore. It is starting to become unsightly.
  17. drew2005

    Pics from Atlantis Marine World In NY

    Dont know if anyone posted pics from this place. I went there today for the first time so i figured id share some with you guys. Pics arent great cuz my camera is kinda weak but here you go.
  18. drew2005

    Help with Alge

    It looks brown so i would guess its diatoms. It will eventually disappear when your tank progresses. Its common is new tanks.
  19. drew2005

    Lr Question

    1.5-2 pounds per gallon is ideal for proper filtration. I have 70lbs in a 46 gallon.
  20. drew2005

    fish color change at night

    Ive noticed when my lights are out the top part of my clowns turn a lil black. Or it seems to look that way.