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  1. drew2005

    90 Gallon Oceanic Reef Ready set up

    Originally Posted by mikeyfish I am interested in buying this RR tank. Does anyone have the Oceanic's RR tanks. I would appreciate any feedback and opinions on this tank before I make a final decision. I am going to have Fish, Rock with some coral. Thanks, Michael I have the oceanic 46 gallon...
  2. drew2005

    what order?

    No prob.
  3. drew2005

    Size of pods

    They are very very small. Like the size of a pinhead. Most likely what your seeing are pods. Its a good sign. h*
  4. drew2005

    Clean Up Crew?

    Do not add any livestock until your cycle is done. This site has nice packages for 55 gallons. IMO adding things to speed up a cycle isnt right. Just let the tank do it on its own without any chemicals.
  5. drew2005

    what order?

    If your tank is newly cycled order a clean up crew only. Then wait a few weeks then order a fish. Try and add 1 fish at a time. Wait at least 3-4 weeks between additions to be sure the tank can handle the increase in bioload.
  6. drew2005

    Did I screw up?

    All bowfronts have that bar for support. You should not have cut it off. I would try and call the company who makes that tank and ask them how you could replace that top piece.
  7. drew2005

    hmmm,whats this new thing i got today????

    Nice but didnt you just add something like a week ago. If so you really should wait a few weeks in between livestock addition. Should allow your tank to handle the increased bioload.
  8. drew2005

    Please Help Me

    Not only that you killed 2 damsels. Your definitely doing something wrong.
  9. drew2005

    new LR is in. before/after pics

    Looks nice!! Please tell me you cured that LR in a seperate container before you added it to the tank? Unless you got fully cured LR locally, which should still be cured in case of any die off.
  10. drew2005

    Please Help Me

    Sorry for saying this but please dont take it the wrong way. I mean 74 degree tank, 0 nitrate in 2 months, star in a newly cycled tank, 7.8 pH, not acclimating your livestock correctly, no skimmer yet, using tap water for top offs(at least get some RO water from Walmart 58 cents a gallon). I...
  11. drew2005

    Pics Of My Water Readings Ph,ammonia,nitrate,nitrite

    Look good to me. I use the saem kit. Nice!
  12. drew2005

    Cleaning pumps and powerheads

    Any recommendations on how often theese should be cleaned out? Tank has been up for 4 months now and i havent done anything to them.
  13. drew2005


    Ive got a 46 gallon anf if i remember my heater is 200w. IMO a heater is a necessity to maintain proper temps with no more than 2 degree changes.
  14. drew2005

    SG question

    I just raised mine from 1.023-1.025. I mixed a bucket to 1.028 and used it for top offs. It took about 6 days to get it raised. Everything is still alive and kicking so I did it right. Good luck Lisa
  15. drew2005

    New tank readings

    Looking good. Good luck with your cycle. Now is the time to add LR.
  16. drew2005

    What is the best live rock?

    Id say there is no best live rock. I think its personal preference. I went with Tonga rock. Eventually ill add some different rock.
  17. drew2005

    1st tank started today!!!

    Originally Posted by SW-Newbe h* The madness has officially begun My first tank is up and ccycling!! YEA! 55 gal 20 gal wetdry filter 60# Live Rock (very smelly) 60# Live sand Oh, and 1 shrimp cocktail :joy: Congrat and good luck!!!!
  18. drew2005

    ??? rust colored like dust

    Sounds like diatoms. Any way of getting a pic of it? Its common in newly started tanks.
  19. drew2005

    Cleaning Pre-Filters

    How often should these be cleaned? I have a cylinder shape one in my over flow box and 1 pad in my wet/dry right before the bioballs.
  20. drew2005

    Water Source?

    Originally Posted by Vanos Some lfs actually sell it and you bring in your own buckets or container. It's a great deal. Or you can buy the ***** water which is real saltwater if you don't want to wait. Good luck. Screw *****. They suck. Go to Walmart. You want to get the 1 gallon jugs of...