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  1. al&burke

    20 gallon sump bulid

    Have a look at this design it is bigger than your 20 gallon but it gives you an idea on how it can be set up.
  2. al&burke

    tank cycled in less then a week?

    You should thank Joe, because he just saved what ever first fish you were going to put it, very important to check and wait in this hobby.
  3. al&burke

    MY Tank Build Diary!

    Good buy my friend, averything looks great.
  4. al&burke

    New (well almost) 29 gal FOWLR - also need advice please.

    This hobby is not supposed to stress you. But it does at times. The sand shifting snails you have should come out during feeding time, mine as soon as I shut of the pump come out in force. Maybe your PH blew up some stuff on your rock and sand and caused a mini spike. I would put it back in...
  5. al&burke

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    Its almost better than an anemone at least hammer/frogspawn don't wander.
  6. al&burke

    Monti Coral

    Quote: Originally Posted by fishmaster78 keep us posted on what your results come out to be, i just added a large frag of monti from my brothers neighbor and am currently experiencing the same issue you are...white ring around the outside and some bleaching at the center portion of it where we...
  7. al&burke


    They are up to I already - I don't what the news it is all bad.
  8. al&burke

    Frag tank build

    Thanks Devon, I was just asking how they cut the slot out in glass.
  9. al&burke

    415 Gallon Plywood Tank Build

    Right on Shawn looks great. Can't wait to see this baby done.
  10. al&burke


    Tiss the season,,,, ALREADY - I don't know how you guys put up with that stuff.
  11. al&burke

    Frag tank build

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 What did you decide Al???? 12 inch high 1/2" glass final answer, but I do like the external oerflow on that tank picture Corey posted. Could that be done by drilling the two ends than wet saw cut the middle.
  12. al&burke

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    My hammer coral host my two clowns, it doesn't seem to mind.
  13. al&burke

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    That is perfect now you see the head like spanko said. Did you just place it in a crevice?
  14. al&burke

    Frag tank build

    Alright - so I am going with 3/8 @ 12" high. I was just joking - no bites
  15. al&burke

    Nature at it's best

    Looks like there is only going to be one, the hen took her out of the nesting box today, Hersey as my son named the hen. Looks like the little guy is doing well he is eating and drinking - kinda neat to see the hen with the baby she does not take her eyes off of it. She trust me to touch the...
  16. al&burke

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    The tank looks great - if you can put your frogspan loose in a crevice it will make it easier to take out if you ever want to break a piece off to frag. My hammer just sits in a crevice and I have taken it out to frag.
  17. al&burke

    Nature at it's best

    People should be more like animals, I heard the funniest thing on the radio the other day, the guy said people should be like dogs - they want to say hi to everyone, only thing don't do any sniffing, if you know what I mean, LOL
  18. al&burke

    Nature at it's best

    She is almost 20 pounds had to throw her in. Thanks for the looks, hopefully there will be a few more chicks in the morning. THe hen is unbelievable she has been siting on eggs for almost 2 months. Can't wait till she gets up and walk around with her new one's.
  19. al&burke

    Nature at it's best

    Well I got a picture of him poking his head out, only one has hatched today so far, I read they can be up to 3 days apart, hopefully he will have a litle brother or sister. Last picture is Mr Clover enjoying his view from the sun room.
  20. al&burke

    Nature at it's best

    That is funny T - I think it is called a PAPAGALO - I have a lot of italian buddies. And thanks for the spelling my friend.