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  1. al&burke

    Meowzer's LED build

    So what is the formula for number of bulbs to tank size - I guess depth has a lot to do with it as well, meowzer I appologize if I am hijacking your thread. How many moonlights or are the blue one's just dimmed/
  2. al&burke

    55 gallon tank build

    Really nice set up - the coral you are asking about are yellow polyps, they spread very quickly, be careful what you put next to them.
  3. al&burke

    New fish Qtine and Treatment Procedures, Thoughts, Tips, Points, and Plans for ich & velvet parasites Part 1:

    Yes Tangs Rule Great job, this ich thing has got me so paranoid since I got rid of it in my tank, I really don't want to go out and buy anymore fish. What are your thoughts on dips for corals, specifically iodine dip, a method I have been using. A buddy of mine down in Baltimore told me of...
  4. al&burke

    A dilemma

    Snake all you can ask is for eveyone to love this baby, sounds like it is off to a good start including yourself, good luck and we will all be awaiting the news. When is this baby due again?
  5. al&burke

    Why would the salinity in an aquarium decrease (a very small decrease 1.025 - 1.024)??

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice Welcome to the addiction! Hey Joe I thought you only posted from work, welcome to the addiction!!!!!!!
  6. al&burke

    A dilemma

    Well snake I thought the same when my wife told me that her Mother and sister was going to be in the delivery room when our son was being born. At first I thought is was wrong, no way, get lost, but I have to tell you that they did more than I could ever do, the both had kids and new exactly...
  7. al&burke

    Why would the salinity in an aquarium decrease (a very small decrease 1.025 - 1.024)??

    Quote: Originally Posted by tirtza Thanks for the info on the refractometer! As soon as I'm done recovering from the other costs of buying and setting up the other equipment for this aquarium, I'm definitely going to invest in one of those! I was planning on having a FOWLR (fish only with live...
  8. al&burke

    210g Things with Stings tank.

    Nice to see this back again, by the way that acrylic tank looks spotless.
  9. al&burke

    Meowzer's LED build

    Ok I have a maintenance question. We have all these wires goig to the LED is it possible to have a connection in the wire that could be split in order to remove the LED's and the heat sink = in other words they would be separatable to do mainenance on the tank. Just thinking out loud.
  10. al&burke

    Beautiful Maxima Clam

    I hear you, my skimmer pump went - I need to send it back where I bought it. I think I should have a back up for the skimmer, luckily I have an ATS.
  11. al&burke

    R.I.P. Herb

    Joe - sorry to here this - I lost one last year - I guess these guys are meant to stay where they come from. Live and learn I always say We almost need to culture algae rocks for these guys if we want to keep them, I wonder if we could culture algae rocks or in a fuge or a separate tank with...
  12. al&burke

    Leather coral resurrection

    Huge difference, man Joe you have some beautiful colors in that tank of yours. Two hippo tangs I see, are they buddies. I bet if you can get a little more flow on that leather it will open up quickly again.
  13. al&burke

    Leather coral resurrection

    I see now, it is really starting to open up. It should be fine.
  14. al&burke

    Last minute CuC.

    I would just go with the brittle. I hand feed mine pieces of shrimp and scallops
  15. al&burke

    Last minute CuC.

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude people dont like margaritia snails because they are used to colder waters than are tanks! I still use em though... I suggest more astreas or torchus snails! Also maybe get a seaserpent or black brittle star! NO green brittles! +1 on the brittle star
  16. al&burke

    Leather coral resurrection

    Hey Joe - is that your Bangaii with the red on his fins?
  17. al&burke

    Meowzer's LED build

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer LOl...I'm always nice to him IDK...I'm pretty old...LOL....47 years young I am 45 - haha younger than you, J/K
  18. al&burke

    Meowzer's LED build

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer I am doing this in hopes it will help others :) LOL....ok SON my swf family just grows and grows Some how I think we are about the same age though Meowzer
  19. al&burke

    Meowzer's LED build

    Fantastic - make sure you are nice to Mr Meowzer for doing this, LOL
  20. al&burke

    Last minute CuC.

    I think you have more than enough for now until the tank gets going a bit more. I would wait, see what the others have to say.