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  1. velbar


    Congrats Gemmy can I come out of the penalty box now?? lolol
  2. velbar


    *pouts and kicks a chunk of live rock and then grabs My foot* owww owwww FINE Gemmy owww oww
  3. velbar


    *pouts and goes to the time out and pointing to the big screen over head with all the scrolling images* but look, the big yellow tang pic says that rewards for reviews is going on...??
  4. velbar


    *hip checks the thread again and grins*
  5. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    I don’t really know, I had had this salt water set up for 8 years or so in a 50 g tank but was given the 150 as a gift/payment ..with the 50 g I never worried about a sump or a skimmer..... I have done some reading and honestly don’t see much difference from a sump to a skimmer and if its HOB or...
  6. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    ok, next thought while the skimmer idea bounces along the water surface... I did some reading last night on MAKING my own live rock, now it does not appear complicated and I am probably going to look at getting the needed materials (concrete mix and agrasand stuff) but I am curious if anybody...
  7. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    neither have I but then I dont really know the names of the better skimmers yet either, but 40 dollars vs 200+ and including a power head....the powerhead alone is probably worth that much and I need another one anyway. I wasnt sure if the skimmer replaced the HoB filter or not, I may have to...
  8. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget
  9. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    Ok, another week into it, the corals are actually settled in pretty well and even tolerate the urchin passing by them. so now I have a question...I have the HoB filter and its been pointed out that I can get a decent skimmer for way cheaper than I thought...sooooooo HoB or Skimmer or Both??
  10. velbar


    just a bump to get your attention to a PM *grins*
  11. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    lol, yea, no pics its a pigment of My imagination *grins* I have discovered through reading some of the forums already that there are great and experienced people here and I look forward to disappointing each and every one of them with My pitance of experience lol I do agree the budget is an...
  12. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    thank you very much for your advice meowzer, it is appreciated and taken to the heart of My reef *grins*
  13. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    I kinda figured it was all light duty equimpent but it has served well for the time being so i can continue. I will look into the lighting first and more power heads. as for leaving one end open, I actually want to leave the middle open more or less, like a gap in the reef image, why? more or...
  14. velbar

    150 g Reef build, slow and steady on an even slower budget

    Hey all, I have a 150 g tank that I am working on slowly building into a Reef tank. I have about 40 lbs of live rock that has moved with Me a few times and may or may not really be live anymore. I built a cave out of what rock I have for the time being so there is an inner and outter realm for...
  15. velbar


    Is this program still going on or did I really miss out on it?? I have been doing so much window shopping I had to get new glasses lol
  16. velbar

    Acclimating Corals

    I really appreciate being able to come in here and find answers from others. I have been working very slowly to build My tank into a reef tank and got enough rock in it that I was finally willing to get some coral frags but I was unsure about touching and placing them and you guys helped a lot.