Search results

  1. gasguzzler

    Entire Reef System For Sale, CT

    I'll take some pics of the 135.
  2. gasguzzler

    Wanted: 120 or Larger in New England

    Hey guys, I want a new FOWLR- maybe reef. I was hoping to find something with overflows already installed, but its not imperative. Also, I would prefer tank, stand and canopy, but again not imperative. I will gladly drive anywhere reasonable to pick up.
  3. gasguzzler

    Entire Reef System For Sale, CT

    I'll take the 135 and stand if you still have it!!!
  4. gasguzzler

    looking 4 a big tank in or near CT

    winstew, could you please e-mail me at concerning the tank.
  5. gasguzzler

    any traders in NH?

    Good. Anytime you want to work something out for some of the other stuff you have let me know.
  6. gasguzzler

    any traders in NH?

    Like I said they look amazing. Hows the shroom?
  7. gasguzzler

    any traders in NH?

    All of those polyps were open within a half hour. They look really good, too. How's your stuff working out?
  8. gasguzzler

    Somethings eating my soft corals!!!

    Yeah, I would think its the angels or the tang personally. My flame angel recently developed a taste for softies after 5 months.
  9. gasguzzler

    any traders in NH?

    Message sent.
  10. gasguzzler

    what is the most you've ever spent on a fish

    $550 on a pair of leopard sharks.
  11. gasguzzler

    Post pics of flame angel or coral beauty

    It varies by individual. Most reefers use them to eat aptasia. It was OK for almost 5 months then it started eating it.
  12. gasguzzler

    any traders in NH?

    Yeah, done deal. Heres some of the xenia, and the shrooms. Add 2 small kenya trees of my stuff for trade also. The first pic is the actual frag you will get. Its about 3" by 3" when open. The second is the shrooms, they range from 4-5" down to 1/2". The last is the "mother colony" of...
  13. gasguzzler

    Post pics of flame angel or coral beauty

    Yeah, it loves to eat, too. I may have to get rid of it though due to the fact I saw it picking on my scholymia brain a few days ago.
  14. gasguzzler

    any traders in NH?

    I'll be looking to trade some things in 2-3 weeks. I have a TON of blue/purple shrooms and lots of xenia. Ill get pics later today when lights come on. Also, I have lots of spare equipment (wet/dry, Fluval 304, etc.). Let me know what you have/want.
  15. gasguzzler

    Post pics of flame angel or coral beauty

    Heres my flame hangin out with my copperband.
  16. gasguzzler

    What is the coolest coral

    Im partial to my sun polyps also. Sorry for the crappy pic!
  17. gasguzzler

    Eel pics post here

    Actually, he was about the same size. He seemed to max out at about 30" in the 2 years. He developed some kind of eye infection that slowly killed him unfortunately.
  18. gasguzzler

    Eel pics post here

    Heres my old brazillian hangin out looking for a hand-out in the first pic. The second is my friends tattoo eel.
  19. gasguzzler

    Nova extreme t-5 with lunar lights

    Plus, the white lunar lights look the bomb!