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  1. barchtruong

    Let's do a count on Sun coral owners

    ok, thing is, my Sun coral don't even come out during the bright hrs. If I keep blowing food at the heads, fishes will eat them all and Sun coral gets none. I don't want to blow too much food on them for nothing and will mess my water up. They come out at night, slightly, not fully. And I...
  2. barchtruong

    Building an acrylic tank

    Go buy one. Save all the energy for corals and fishes. And mostly, it's safe.
  3. barchtruong

    200g FO cooking

    I've spent about 5K into my 55g reef and the only thing I regret was to have used and trusted the hydrometer. It's really up to you, but my 2 cents is except for the professional ones, no hydrometer sold at lfs be trusted.
  4. barchtruong

    200g FO cooking

    I have a suggestion to you. you need to get rid of that piece of crappy hydrometer and do your tank a favor and go get a refractometer. It only costs you once and you will save your entire tank. I made a big mistake using that same piece of crap and ended up killing my Xenia and expensive blue...
  5. barchtruong

    Posting pics bigger than 500x500

    Everytime I open a thread with extended bar, I got lazy and just read whatever on the screen, anything's off the screen and required dragging the bar over, I just ignore it and make a good guess what he/she's trying to say.
  6. barchtruong

    200g FO cooking

    I was shocked to see a bowl of popcorn in your tank on that pic #4.......... I went.....WHAT!!! but it was on the other side of the glass.
  7. barchtruong

    Pic Of My 37

    Originally Posted by joshjfm ummm thats what the scale said at the LFS... That sure doesn't look like 50lb, your lr prolly too dense, that's why it's heavy. but it should be pretty close to 50lb. I hate buying lr from lfs. They scale lr like gold, every ounce counts and darn expensive. stoop peep.
  8. barchtruong

    200g FO cooking

    looks great. keep us posted when you have new stuff in the tank.
  9. barchtruong

    My 30 gallon

    you need a refractometer to have the accurate SG=specific gravity=salt level. for now, if you don't have a refra. you can go get a hydrometer to test the salt level. read the instructions. Go to saltwater lfs and get a bucket of salt. Read the instructions. Mix salt water 24 hrs prior any...
  10. barchtruong

    My 30 gallon

    change 10% of water every 3 days and keep testing the water til it's down to zero, then 10% per week.
  11. barchtruong

    My 30 gallon

    Originally Posted by TriGa22 Eqquipment. All the stuff sitting in the tank and such, its an eyesore. A sump is a plus, but it's definately not a must. The number of fishes definately need to be decrease to maintain a good and healthy tank. do water change weekly at 10%. you should be ok and...
  12. barchtruong

    LTA moving

    what kind of condition is your tank? light, livetstock, PH level, temp, water paremeter? If the condition is not right, ur LTA will cont. to release slimy stuff.
  13. barchtruong

    Pic Of My 37

    if you don't really go into reef, just get some mushrooms and some xenia, you will love them. nice lr.
  14. barchtruong

    Mushroom Pictures

    Mine. They are spreading slowly. 5 different types now. Hope to get more different varieties soon.
  15. barchtruong

    Sebae Anemone ?'s

    I have 2-150w MHs and 2 PC and the total of 560w lighting sys. I have tried 2 Sebaes and both died no matter how much care I put in. So, I gave up on Sebae. They just don't belong in captivity, or at least in my tank!
  16. barchtruong

    LTA moving

    that's a sign of stress. normal LTA don't put out slimy stuff even when it's moving Mine put out slimy stuff when I first put it in the tank, now it's still moving slightly but no more slime.
  17. barchtruong

    More then 1 Anemone per tank?

    Originally Posted by maelv But not common? In most cases is it safe to keep an anenome in a reef tank? most anemones are not reef safe. Except RBTA and BTA are, I think, Generally speaking, having any anemones in a reef tank is a high risk that reefers take. Unless you know darn sure the...
  18. barchtruong

    Let's do a count on Sun coral owners

    and how did you feed them, Runner?
  19. barchtruong

    Thanks!!! New 90gal

    Originally Posted by gregghia The heater is set to 76 right now. I have two thermometers in there and they are both showing same temp so they are right. I guess I will unplug the heater for a day or so just to make sure. I was wanting the target temp to be 78-82. I agree and am trying to...
  20. barchtruong

    Thanks!!! New 90gal

    hey Gregghia, I had to built a custom piece that looks like a hood but no lids. Just the wood going around the edge of the tank. I used 5.5"x3/4" pine board to build it. And then I set the light on to of it. The light has 4 lil legs about 4" hi. So that gave set the light pretty much 10" above...