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  1. new-guy

    pvc or flex tubing????

    i thought i read that 2 45s where worse than a 90...
  2. new-guy

    water spouts......

    im running them paralel and only ones doing it
  3. new-guy

    water spouts......

    really there about 7 in below the surface kinda pointed up
  4. new-guy

    water spouts......

    ive got 2 maxijets with sureflow kits on them and every once and a while i get waterspouts from the surface to the power head and makes thousands of bubbles what does this?????
  5. new-guy

    is there anyone located near..

    thats cool did you graduate from here
  6. new-guy

    is there anyone located near..

    im located in charleston il just wondered if thers anyone in my area????
  7. new-guy

    cyano,and green algae help!!!!

    ive got this red stuff all over my glass and the green on my rocks. my lfs said cut back on my lighting so i have and the green is about the same but the red is still on my glass what do i need to do to get rid of this stuff...i run my 10000ks for 7-10 hrs a day and i still dont have my actincs...
  8. new-guy

    custom bending pvc?????

    yeah ive seen that its like 170 bucks
  9. new-guy

    custom bending pvc?????

    i was just thinking of keeping the max flow as much as possible by bending it
  10. new-guy

    custom bending pvc?????

    ive seen where you can heat pvc up and form it instead of using elbows and 90s they used some kind of heating element but im wondering if you could use a heat gun to do the same???
  11. new-guy

    pvc or flex tubing????

    which is better for the overflow to the sump and the return to the tank flexible tubing or ridgid pvc?
  12. new-guy

    Sump help!!!

    eventally a phosban reator but right now juist my skimmer and the heater and a return pump to get the water back in the tank
  13. new-guy

    Sump help!!!

    i think im going to keep my canister in the main tank so i have like double filtration. also so i dont have to deal with that
  14. new-guy

    fish help

    about a month ago and ive got the mj400s sureflow kitsona wave maker in a 45 gal tall
  15. new-guy

    Sump help!!!

    im doing the exact same thing but with a 45 gal but i built my own sump
  16. new-guy

    Classifieds Seller's Feedback

    everythings cool with fishyfrenzy it was my bad to jump the gun on the sale and shippment i will keep posted when i get the package. hes been keeping in touch and totally undanstadble about the situation..
  17. new-guy

    reply to scammed

    thanks man....
  18. new-guy

    reply to scammed

    i found out today that he was telling the truth and i was the one wrong my aploiges go to the one i hurt... im sorry
  19. new-guy

    reply to scammed

    i might have jumped the gun aliitle bit so im see what happens and if i wrong im sorry for the confusion and hurt ive made il keep you posted
  20. new-guy

    how do you llo up feedback?

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