Search results

  1. gebrony

    any ibook users?

    getting ready to buy a new laptop and this is my first choice, any input would be grand
  2. gebrony

    Must Go!!! 125 gal

    left email
  3. gebrony

    Aquarium Clubs in KY try this one
  4. gebrony

    going to daytona beach, any good fish stores?

    just wondering if anyone was around daytona or any good fish stores
  5. gebrony

    Xenia Umbelleta in WV

    what type of lighting do you have them under? give me an email at for more info
  6. gebrony

    Xenia Umbelleta in WV

    do you have any pics?
  7. gebrony

    anyone in ky trading?

  8. gebrony

    Xenia Umbelleta in WV

    how close are you to huntington?
  9. gebrony

    Are water changes really needed?

    i have reading up alot and just wondering if water changes were really as beneficial as they are made out to be
  10. gebrony

    anyone in ky trading?

    just checking interest
  11. gebrony

    how much lighting for zoo's?

  12. gebrony

    how much lighting for zoo's?

    also about how many watts per gallon is needed for most?
  13. gebrony

    how much lighting for zoo's?

    so would vho's be ok?
  14. gebrony

    how much lighting for zoo's?

    have a 55 gallon want to start keeping some zoos just wonderring how much light would be needed
  15. gebrony

    moving sale, all must go

    nicky ygm
  16. gebrony

    looking for a mantis shrimp

    do you want to sell it?
  17. gebrony

    looking for a mantis shrimp

    how much is the one at the pet store?
  18. gebrony

    Kentucky... Live Sand/Rock Wanted

    aka and farmboy ygm
  19. gebrony

    Kentucky... Live Sand/Rock Wanted

    hey farmboy how much would you want for some of those blue ones
  20. gebrony

    looking for a mantis shrimp

    sorry nowhere near nj