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  1. mrdc

    Casey Anthony Jury Has Reached A Verdict

    I wonder how much money was spent on this case? Hasn't it been going on for over 3 years?!
  2. mrdc

    Some of the Faster SPS Growers?

    Good info. I was going to but the valida from the same guy but it is an ORA piece and put me over my budget.
  3. mrdc

    Casey Anthony Jury Has Reached A Verdict

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW the prosecution allowed the mob/media dictate how they were gonna charge her...had they not allowed the sensationalism surrounding the case warp their sense of selfworth and righteousness..they would have gone after a lesseer manslaughter charge...which...
  4. mrdc

    Casey Anthony Jury Has Reached A Verdict

    Quote: Originally Posted by reefraff What really annoys me is her lawyer is going to be proclaimed a suuupaaar genius. That guy got lucky as hell. He laid out a scenario at the beginning he couldn't prove. Had the prosecution done a decent job she would have been found guilty of the lesser...
  5. mrdc

    Casey Anthony Jury Has Reached A Verdict

    I think it will be like another OJ thing where most everyone will see her as a murderer but she can never be tried again for it.
  6. mrdc

    Casey Anthony Jury Has Reached A Verdict

    Well, not guilty of first degree murder. I was way off so now I guess the news media will debate this for awhile.
  7. mrdc

    Casey Anthony Jury Has Reached A Verdict

    I think they are annoucing it now but the jury only deliberated for 10 hours so I am pretty sure they found her guilty. I doubt she will get the death penalty since there was no smoking gun. Maybe this will finally get out of the news until the news media picks up on the next case to...
  8. mrdc

    Some of the Faster SPS Growers?

    What are some of the faster SPS growers? I have two acros (forget their names) that are grwoing really slow. The stylopora is growing at a decent speed and the elkhorn is grwoing like a weed. I have some milepora and staghorn coning in the week and I will bet they are slow growers too. And...
  9. mrdc

    The new scolymia

    I really like the speckled look.
  10. mrdc

    Saw Super 8 Today

    As far as Cars 2 goes, I think the kids will like it but the adults have been telling me that they don't like the hidding big oil propeganda. I will have to wait to see for myself before really commenting.
  11. mrdc

    Saw Super 8 Today

    Some interesting points. I actually liked the alien and thought the kid acting was great. Not so sure how the doctor lived after going head on with a train and having his truck explode. LOL!. I also liked the sign showing pizza for 10 cents. Where is your movie thread? Is it on this board?
  12. mrdc

    Saw Super 8 Today

    We had movie day at work today and I chose Super 8 and was kind of dissapointed. Anyone else seen it yet? I would have chosen Transformers 3 because I have been thinking it might be the best of the three and the ones in the dept who did see it, said it was awesome. Movie prices sure suck...
  13. mrdc

    New Rics?

    LOL! I don't know either. I guess time will tell if they turn into something.
  14. mrdc

    Show of ur dog or doggies thread!!!!

    Named him after. Me, wife and two girls each came up with two names that we liked the most and put them in a hat and drew his name. Quote: Originally Posted by Flower I like that name..Cooper matches him......I have a question...... Did you name your dog before you got him? I did my dogs, I...
  15. mrdc

    Found in a girl's cubicle yesterday

    It was confirmed to be a rat snake. I have zero problems with insects and just a little with lizards. I remember when I picked up a cow ant once because I didn't think they bite. I found out the hard way that they do and hurts like nothing I have felt before. Or did it sting me ... I can...
  16. mrdc

    Found in a girl's cubicle yesterday

    Not me! I don't touch them. Quote: Originally Posted by Slice fixed
  17. mrdc

    Found in a girl's cubicle yesterday

    Yeah I was also thinking someone brought it to work and it got away. I wouldn't admit to it though.
  18. mrdc

    Show of ur dog or doggies thread!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Is that a baby wienie dog? We need a can't post adorable critters like that and not tell us it's name. Yep and his name is Cooper.
  19. mrdc

    Show of ur dog or doggies thread!!!!

    My latest puppy that I bought in October and is the only photo I have here.
  20. mrdc

    Slice's 47g Coral Evolution

    I plan to give out frogspawn, hammer, gsp, montipora, elkhorn and zoas. I have had my two skunks for about 17 months now which is the longest I have ever had shrimp live. I always have to have some in the tank because they still fascinate me after all these years. Though they can be a pain in...