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  1. burch2006

    Naso Tang got eaten

    my anemone ate my moorish idol. That ticked me off.
  2. burch2006

    Bought my final fish. Am I overstocked?

    ehh youre pretty full but I think you'll be alright. I definitely wouldnt add any more.
  3. burch2006

    Lemon Juice for aptisia?

    the kalkwasser paste wont harm other corals in the same vicinity will it?
  4. burch2006

    What is this?

    urchins are not reef safe if they can get their mouth on it theyll eat it
  5. burch2006

    koran angel

    I am aware of the tank specifications thanks. I shall see how it goes. Hopefully not an expensive experiment (with the corals)
  6. burch2006

    koran angel

    has anyone had any luck with them in a tank with corals? Even at a larger size? its a beautiful fish.
  7. burch2006

    First LPS!!!

    I add this coral food stuff to the tank nothing spot on.
  8. burch2006

    would you...

    would you have bought this for 17 bucks?
  9. burch2006


    LFS usually charge 5-7 bucks per Urchin how cheap do you want?
  10. burch2006

    Urchins need calcium?

    as long as he keeps up with his water changes. Urchins like pristine water conditions as well as lots of coraline algea which also requires lots of calcium.
  11. burch2006

    First LPS!!!

    I bought a frag that size maybe a little smaller for the same price 2 weeks ago and its already sprouted 3 new heads.
  12. burch2006

    Random shots trying out my new lens

    try out the canon ix 10 is. if you dont want to spend the price of a dslr, but want the features. It can do amazing macro shots, 20x optical zoom, and a bunch of other amazing features.
  13. burch2006

    new light opinions please

    that nova extreme is 12 inches long. your tank is prolly 13 do you have anything hanging on the back?
  14. burch2006

    ordering CB horses from SWF

    has anyone order there seahorses from here? Can I do differrent seahorses in a tank? Like 2 yellows and 2 oranges?
  15. burch2006

    Seahorse Compatibility Chart

    could you also add boxfish to that list as a 1 or 2. I know several people that have them in their tanks with seahorses.
  16. burch2006

    beginning my 35-40 gallon hex

    I'm debating what kind of lights to put on top. Tank is like 4ft tall, and I want a clam in with the seahorses. Whats the best stuff to put on the substrate for them to cling too? I want it to look as real as possible.
  17. burch2006

    Size of tank

    How do you tell how many gallons a Hexagonal tank is?
  18. burch2006

    t5's vs Halides

    mainly I ask because I keep looking at MH on an online auction site from 200-400 bucks, and I'm just curious if any of them would work. I bought A 260 watt PC on ebat a year ago and have had great success with it, but now I want more.
  19. burch2006

    t5's vs Halides

    48" wide a few feet deep. And I want to keep LPS. Maybe a few SPS a softie or two and some zoos.