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  1. glibgoat

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    In Line...count Me In
  2. glibgoat

    Help ID?

  3. glibgoat

    Help ID?

    right side, middle of the small rock
  4. glibgoat

    Help ID?

    My LFS had these zoas for a cheap price, so I bought them. Also on this rock was what I thought was aptasia. I figured, quick fix with some Joes Juice. Then when i got the rock into my tank, the coloring of this aptasia was brilliant and was flowing in the current of my tank. When my lights went...
  5. glibgoat

    anybody trading in philly

    shoot me some pics of the leather and zoas. mrsimmons1017@COMCAST.NET
  6. glibgoat

    Philly area 90G all must go......

    do you have pics of the tang?
  7. glibgoat


    I wish I saw this thread earlier. Is all you have left the rock? How much per lb? Any cleaning crew left?
  8. glibgoat

    selling all ZOOS

  9. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    Again thanks for the brainstorming help. I never used copper in my aggressive tank. I had the aggressive for about 18 months prior to realizing that I couldn't keep much in a 65 (10 g ref). I haven't got it tested for copper, but I will. I'm definately going to continue to do water changes...
  10. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    I always topped off with Saltwater. I guess that is wrong. The dottyback can be aggressive when something goes into his home. However I never see him attack unless provoked. My most recent death was a lawnmower about two weeks ago? Hmmm. I didn't know you could get a refract that cheap? Do you...
  11. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    Finally got to the LFS today. My pH was 8.8 and my salinity was unreadable because it was so high. This all comes from boxed water. Note to all of you out there...DON'T USE BOXED WATER. So I did a 30 g water change with straight R/O water. Ph is back to normal but my salinity still reads off the...
  12. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    I had this tank fow about 2 years before the move. I was keeping a FOWLR then. I had a hawk, small trigger and some damsels at that time. I didn't have any issues other than terratory issues. I checked the box I currently have, it says " best if used before 12/08." I double checked the...
  13. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    I'll be heading over to the LFS to have them run stats on my water. I do have a carbon "bag" sitting in my refuge, I replace it usually once a month, I can up that to twice a month. I actually don't add anything to the tank right now. I stopped all addatives. I use boxed water for it's...
  14. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    Tap was used to start the tank back almost two years ago before the move prior to me knowing the that was a bad thing. I'll have to take a sample to my LFS to get a refract reading. And I'll do a 24 hour temp reading and post as soon as I get it. I won't have a day off until next weekend so It...
  15. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

  16. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    Thanks for taking the time to work with me... The hydrometer is quite old and hasn't been soaked since we got to this house (11 months), so that might be a place to start. I tried to get a phosphate read but the new kit calls for DI water for the phosphate test and I don't have any right now. I...
  17. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    Let me try to answer all of those... Temp 78 Hydrometer 1.022 new testing kit for my bday yesterday (Instant ocean) Water changes with boxed saltwater (Aquatic gardens- real ocean water) Tank is in a basement, does that matter? Filtration currently a fluval 304 and 10 gallon refuge Halide/PC...
  18. glibgoat

    Perplexing Mystery?

    OK, I got you in here, please help. I will spare you all of the details, here is the basics. 1- Moved at the end of December 2006. 2- Decided to convert from aggressive to reef tank in new house. (65 gallon, skimmer, fluval 304, 2 powerheads, halide lights) 3- Approx May, began keeping frogspawn...