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  1. rickross23


    Yes. I have like 300 lbs total I THINK. What's your aquascape like people here? Please post pics of your aquascape.
  2. rickross23

    Clown troubles

    What are the other tank inhabitants? Do you have an anemone they are fighting over?
  3. rickross23


    Naw. I like the Rockwork, but am worried about not having enough coral space. Should I add LR from my sump to the display or move the rock?? I just want a design for more corals.
  4. rickross23


      Maybe you should find a new home !!!!!!  Rick have you thought about drilling and pinning your rock work...... No.
  5. rickross23

    Clown troubles

    i do not think one being black and the other being white is the problem. is the black a ocellaris? how big is your tank?
  6. rickross23


    note: in my pic, one of my RBTAs is under the rock.. he decides to travel under the rock to sleep every night. my RBTAs are usually 4-5" in diameter during the day, while the sebae is from 8-10' diameter in the day. i will get a FTS tomorrow when everything is fully out so you can see the corals...
  7. rickross23


    here's my 120. (lights were off, turned them on for a pic, so corals and nems are NOT happy or fully out in the pic) i am worried about the little corals i have growing into each other and me not being able to keep all the corals I want. I also am not very happy with my rockwork. I was thinking...
  8. rickross23


    I see. Thanks, snake.
  9. rickross23


    do vermiculated wrasses eat frozen????? i read they eat pods..
  10. rickross23


    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 I wouldnt get the clowns or the trigger. Triggers get big and have to have a lot of swimming room. They also can be fairly aggressive to smaller species of fish. Other then that, all is well can i get the dragonface/ banded pipe AND red mandy after a...
  11. rickross23


    Besides the clowns, how is my stock list?
  12. rickross23


  13. rickross23


    The clowns are barely over an inch probably 1.5 inches and I don't think they are a pair yet. The clowns I want are black and white ocellaris, the same species. The clowns I want are 1.5 inches also.
  14. rickross23


    My 120 has Yellow tang 2 clowns 2 bangaii cards 4 chromis I would like to add these Black tail anampses wrasse or 4 star leopard wrasse Red mandarin 2 B&W clowns (ik they may fight) BJ trigger ( anyone have one? Would this get too big?) Diamond goby (mine killed itself) Thanks. I also like...
  15. rickross23


  16. rickross23

    Planning first saltwater tank; still have LOTS of questions!

    Snake, play nice :) Rick, where did you come up with the idea that macroalgaes do nothing for phosphates. Macroalgaes LIVE off of phosphate and nitrate in our tanks, that's what helps them grow. I'm well aware that I have phosphates in my tank, but I never see them because I have a huge display...
  17. rickross23

    Planning first saltwater tank; still have LOTS of questions!

    Wow, yeah, that's a lot of questions... most of them can be answered in this thread: Just click on the links to all the articles and read them carefully. You will learn a lot and can make better decisions about your tank. Being a...
  18. rickross23

    moving a tank 2294.49 miles ?

    Yeah. Don't do that.
  19. rickross23

    dr seuss soapfish

    For sale! Only $6000! 3 1/4 inches...... $2000 per inch haha. This guy is in the divers den of ***********. Someone go buy him and post pics up here! Go check it out..
  20. rickross23

    UV Sterilizer for Biocube 14g?

    It will not lower the nitrates. It will clarify the water that passes through it by sterilizing it with UV. How effective it is at that depends if it is sized correctly for the task. Uv can be used to kill water born parasites but most people do not set up the systems correctly or use large...