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  1. madhatter9382

    Anyone want a small horseshoe crab?

    I'm upgrading tanks and i have a small horseshoe crab that i won't be taking with me to the new tank. I put him in the new tank and he keeps it extremely cloudy the entire time, so i'm looking to get rid of him. He's maybe 2-3 inches, i've had him for about a year and a half. I'm in NYC and...
  2. madhatter9382

    Green Chromis

    How hardy are they? If you get a school of them, do they really live a long time? ( a school being like 7 of them)
  3. madhatter9382

    emerald crab question

    Well i transferred some water from the older tank as well.. I added some new base rock that i put in before i added my older LR and the LS is all new. I also got a macro algae on a rock from swf ( ) The tank is fully cycled and i have my...
  4. madhatter9382

    emerald crab question

    Sorry, should've known to include some stats... 92 gallons and it has LR from my previous tank in there.
  5. madhatter9382

    emerald crab question

    How long should a tank be established before adding 2-3 emerald crabs?
  6. madhatter9382

    Live Sand

    Okay, thats good to know. I started it up 2 sundays ago and it hasn't gotten 100% clear yet.... but i have been adding things here and there, stirring it up etc...
  7. madhatter9382

    Live Sand

    was it annoying at first? i just added a bunch of live rock to my tank (i put a few pieces in when i first put the water in) and the tank is 100% cloudy, can't see a damn thing. Digging up the sand to place the rocks on the glass did it instantly.
  8. madhatter9382

    Live Sand

    Okay, as some of you may know, I'm upgrading tanks, in the new tank i have very fine live sand. My question to those who have used sand, what's your opinion? Good/Bad/Annoying? So far my tank seems to get very cloudy every time i move anything! In my old tank i used a very fine crushed coral...
  9. madhatter9382

    Black/Orange False Perc

    92g , the orange ones aren't in there yet, im upgrading to the 92g, they are currently in a 55g
  10. madhatter9382

    Black/Orange False Perc

    i already have two orange and white false percs, if i added two black ones, would they all get along? the two orange and white ones have been in there for about a year, maybe a little longer.
  11. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    Okay, the damn thing is still cloudy, i know i used fine sand but still, its been over a week!
  12. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    I cleaned the filter, there was some sand it in, I'm hoping that helps clear it up. If not, I guess my only other option is a massive water change?
  13. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    Yea, i wanted to use my old filter, would've been much easier but i needed to keep it on the "old" tank with the fish still in there. Okay, i'm actually having another issue.... I set the new tank up last Sunday using live sand, it was real cloudy afterwards, which i expected. The problem is...
  14. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    Okay cool, thank you!
  15. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    Yes, I plan on buying all cured rock and also curing it myself. Should I also cure the rock coming from my existing tank? (I originally cured it many years ago when I added it to that tank) Sorry about all the questions, I've never done this before and I really appreciate the help!
  16. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    Ahh, well then hopefully i start seeing the cycle soon. Now, will there be an issue when i add in the rest of my live rock?? I also believe i need more live rock being that i've moved to a much bigger tank, can that cause another cycle?
  17. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    I used 15 gallons of my old water. and yes, i used completely new sand and a new filter. I did this all last sunday afternoon.
  18. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    Well thats sort of what i'm asking, but the majority of the water is new, so i'm not sure... I refuse to put any fish/inverts in until I'm 100% its cycled and good to go
  19. madhatter9382

    Okay so i think i need help

    oKay, so as you may have heard me say before, i'm moving into a new house and decided to upgrade from a 55g tank to a 92g corner tank.... Anyway, i asked a friend of mine who claims to be an expert on how to go about doing this... What he told me to do first was to use all new live sand. he said...
  20. madhatter9382

    what size power head?

    Ahh, good to hear! I can't wait till this tank is up and running, i will post pictures asap!