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  1. dingus890

    DeMartini's Bonsai Inspired Reef

    Can't wait to see what you do with this tank. Just got done seeing all your other threads of your older nano tanks. WOW! Breath taking tanks! Fantastic job!
  2. dingus890

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    Great thread! Fantastic tanks! That really sucks that Aquacon stole your picture. That's really rude and sad that a "company" selling corals is to ashamed to show the crap they sell and have to steal a picture of your beautiful tank. They seem to take alot of pictures from other sites. Keep up...
  3. dingus890

    The boys were getting fiestie tonight

    They look amazing T! Sweet orange rics!
  4. dingus890

    Odd Experiment: Would it be doable?

    Very cool concept but as Tom said it's overkill and not really worth it for only a few horses. That sounds like a better enviroment for a ray, than breeding horses. Awesome idea tho! I love it haha
  5. dingus890

    Ritteri or Bubble Tip Anemone?

    Go with the 7-8 inch Bubble tip for $40.00 bucks. That is a great price for such a large anemone! But if you want the rose, $30.00 is a steal for one! It will grow given the right amount of light/fed and water conditions. What do you have for lights in your tank?
  6. dingus890

    seahorse species and basic needs

    Originally Posted by DanU Great job Teresa! A couple of quick notes folks may not be aware of: H. erectus Southern Variety: males may reach 8 to 9 inches. Females up to 7 to 8 inches. Very large bodied. More body mass than all the other species listed except H. abdominalis. Northern...
  7. dingus890

    What is a hydroid?

    From what I have read the tiny Hydroids do not pose a problem unless you have a Dwarf seahorse setup aquarium. They can kill the 1.5 inch seahorse. Any other fish and corals I wouldn't worry about it
  8. dingus890

    I'm Back! Fuscus Seahorses

    Hello all! Well I have missed having a seahorse so much. I can't stand it anymore..haha I have a 20 gallon high tank that I have had running for about 2 years now. I moved fish from this 20 gallon to my 55 gallon. I did a complete renovation on it. Do you think this would be ok for 1 pair of...
  9. dingus890

    @@@@check Out My Reef@@@@@@@@@

    Great looking tank!! I love the rock work! What size is it? Great job!!
  10. dingus890

    Name The Fish You Can't Seem To Keep

    Neon Gobies. Have tried 2 in diff.tanks at diff. times from seperate stores. And both died in about month. Kellogi Seahorses (it seems no one has to much sucsess with them) For some odd reason orange percula and false percula clowns. Have bought 3 over 2 years. All from different retailers and...
  11. dingus890


    Very Exciting! Can't wait to see your tank progress
  12. dingus890

    Starfish Exposed to Air

    I have also heard this to. With my starfish I didn't expose him to air. I really try to not expose any of my aquatic animals to air. I do not think it will harm the starfish. What I have read is the air can get trapped inside the starfish tissue.Also have read this for urchins. Who knows. I...
  13. dingus890

    Emerald crab ate my fish..

    What kind of fish was it? The fish could have had a bacterial infection or an internal disease that shows no external signs. Emerald crabs do not usually attack fish as they normally just eat algae. I think what may of happened is the fish died and the crab which is a big part of the cleanup...
  14. dingus890

    Nike's 10g Nano.

    Great looking nano tank!!
  15. dingus890

    Purple Fire fish and Red hawk

    I had a full top on my tank and my firefish still managed to get of of a very tiny crevice and onto the floor. He is probably just hiding from the hawkfish. The hawkfish could have been aggessive with it so it's to scared to come out.
  16. dingus890

    cleaner shrimp

    I would suspect either the Flame angel or the wrasse. They could be getting nipped at at night when the tank lights are off.
  17. dingus890

    cleaner shrimp

    Originally Posted by rphman has anyone had this happen before with their cleaner shrimp... i have 2 cleaner shrimp in my 75 gallon...they molted...and i have noticed that their antennas are "nubs"..they have molted before and never had that happen? ideas or thoughts??? this happened a lilttle...
  18. dingus890

    Copepod questions.

    It does sound like you have a great tank for a Mandarin Goby..haha. It's a very good thing to have copepods. I wouldn't worry about it
  19. dingus890

    Sand sifting seastar help

    Yes my other 3 tanks all have sand like that.But not in my 55 gallon from the starfish I guess The tank is only 3 months old tho but still. I do have some pink worms some amphipods in the sand. I have an area in the back where the starfish cannot get.It's like my little in tank refugium. So far...