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  1. xxxespoxxx

    What is the name of your fish? And why did you name it that?

    False Perc Clown - Nemo White Sand Goby - Blenny Royal Dottyback - PJ Blue Damsel - Nitro Blue Regal Tang - Dori 2 Cleaner Shrimp - Jaque & Pierre there french lol
  2. xxxespoxxx

    large blond naso tang hiding and not eating

    Garlic Guard...hook him up with some of that mixed in the meal and guarentee you he will be eating
  3. xxxespoxxx

    weird frogspawn sounds similar to the 1 I have here's the link to mine... pics of your would be helpful
  4. xxxespoxxx

    Lost our Blue Tang today

    Well we did test tonight and it all the parameters ended up all being normal...the amonia spike was gone within a few hours. So other then not having a powerhead in my QT, that was probably the cause of the death, but i'm still not so certain. For the future i probably will not use meds and do...
  5. xxxespoxxx

    Lost our Blue Tang today

    we caught it very early so i don't think she had any problems with her immune system, but I can't be certain. She was eating like crazy, like normal as if she was in the DT....all parameters were normal lil spike today , but probably cause she died there was the spike. I put back the carbon and...
  6. xxxespoxxx

    Lost our Blue Tang today

    So then what do u think could have done this to her she was a day away from everything being normal again and no signs of this death were noticable. I have used this med on my other tanks previously and worked fine. All the fish that were treated in my other tank that had ick by this med worked...
  7. xxxespoxxx

    Lost our Blue Tang today

    Well bad day today, we just got home and found our blue tang dead. He was in QT everything was fine yesterday. He had ick was getting treated an getting better ick was falling off scars from the cyst were healing, an he had his tail nippped in our display, but heal perfectly in QT. Anyways he's...
  8. xxxespoxxx

    Is my Birdsnest Dying????

    Wow, my bird's nest looks nothing like that at all, when I first bought mine it was white and in 2 months time it now has like a hot Pink colour....Sorry bro, somethings up
  9. xxxespoxxx

    Fin Nipping

    Originally Posted by prime311 Do you know who's doing the nipping Espo? Just curious. yea, it's our hawaiian spotted puffer (puffy), we put him in the QT tank till we figure out what we are going to do with him.
  10. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    Ok cool thanks again for letting me know about the skimmer situation for now maybe i'll set it up but for treatments its a no no Oh and I had a Question sorta off topic but i know you guys will respond and help me out in this thread. [hr] Just curious guys in the event that you have a fish...
  11. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    Originally Posted by florida joe dont get to high teck for your QT/HT who told you that you need a skimmer .Sep No one really told me...I had an extra nano skimmer around the house so i figured if it would have any benefits at all then i might aswell put it on too.
  12. xxxespoxxx

    Fin Nipping

    Just curious guys in the event that you have a fish that nips at the other fish fins/tails, and there fins and tails get damaged. Other then getting the fish thats nipping out of the tank. Is there any meds or soultions you can add to help speed up the process of the fish that have damaged...
  13. xxxespoxxx

    Hints on Lionfish tankmates

    I have my 2 Lions with a Picasso trigger, Koran Angel, valentini puffer,foxface and a few others
  14. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    Originally Posted by florida joe Hold on friend, I assume you are using the sand and rock to seed your tank. Your filter is a prime spot for nitrifying bacteria to colonize, but it has to be feed. I would still go the cocktail shrimp method. You should have a good head start on your cycle with...
  15. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    Thanks again to every1 on here that helped out. So we ended up washing the ship with white vinegar and letting it sit in hot water for a few hours yesterday before we put it in the QT(hospital tank). Aswell. we purchased some PVC and added it to the tank. We also made a 1/4" layer sand bed from...
  16. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    The QT tank at the moment is only for a setup. In the event that one of the fish get sick that will be the tank that the treatments would be preformed in. So now we just got back from the LFS and we purchased a Ship(made of resin). They said to wash it with warm water and soap aswell i could...
  17. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    Originally Posted by sepulatian PVC is white, plastic pipe. You can pick it up at your hardware store. Just get a few sections of it. Get a size around that is big enough for your fish to hide in. It is just for shelter. You can use fake aquarium decorations if you would prefer or a combination...
  18. xxxespoxxx

    Quarintine Tanks

    Originally Posted by Tizzo No rock!! No sand! PVC will work for the fish to hide in. If your QT turns into a hospital tank then fauna in rock and sand will die off and cause aq spike. If you do put in sand from your DT, try to make sure there are no pods in it. Ghost feed it. That food will...
  19. xxxespoxxx

    Help pick out a fish

    Originally Posted by TeresaQ here are a few for your size tank. bi-color blenny clown gobies neon gobies jaw fish-make sure you have rock on glass they are all reef safe hey, just wanted to ask a question too. I have a White Sand Goby...not in time i was wanting to add a Jawfish if so how do...
  20. xxxespoxxx

    140g FOWLR setup 2/12/08 stocking help needed

    Originally Posted by prime311 Ironically, the Canthigaster's(of which the Valentini is one) have probably the worst reputation out there as fin nippers. He's the smallest in the tank so i think he knows his role not to mess around!!or else he will beto the bigger boiz in the tank