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  1. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    And then they met:
  2. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo The calm before the storm,lets hope not.......I just thought clown triggs are BA,and will not put up with or take crap from anyone....Both are very nice looking BTW Good luck,it would be a nice combo.. THanks, im hopeing they'll work out. Think theyre just...
  3. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    Originally Posted by mjm889 nice fish even your crappy picture make him look nice, i hope he does well with your clown trigger. Thanks, he took over the clowns cave. Last night i saw the clown swimming around like he was lost, hes usually in his cave asleep by then. I look in and the niger was...
  4. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    id guesstimate around 4inches TL. Hopefully he'll start coming around so i can get some better shots. I didnt know they changed colors so fast. When i put him in, he changed to almost a neon green instantly.
  5. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    Heres a crappy shot, I cant get him out the corner. I think hes still a little stressed from the move.
  6. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    Originally Posted by RCreations Cool, I like Nigers! I've had two. The first one was really agressive so I ended up trading him to the LFS. But the one I have now is a lot more mellow. This one is a little bigger than my clown trigger so maybe he can hold his own in the tank. Nigers might...
  7. ryant

    Niger Trigger

    Was cruising through the lfs around here and came across a beautiful niger trigger, so he came home with me. Will post pics when hes acclimated.
  8. ryant

    My new project

    Originally Posted by NigerBang I'm somewhat of a regular..LOL.. Happen to be the 2010 President.. Look at my title under my screenname here.. You will make the connection.. :) Lol, I didnt even notice, small world.
  9. ryant

    Tiny Picasso Trigger

    Ive seen them this small before at my lfs. Me personally have stayed away from them. From what ive read, the smaller they are, the less hardy.
  10. ryant

    My new project

    Nice to see someone from Ga on here. You referred to the "meeting" im guessing your talking bout ARC. Im reg on there as well. Nice tank btw.
  11. ryant

    My 135 gallon Update

    Originally Posted by mjm889 yup, do you feed him raw shrimp? mine loves it i cut it up and he hammers it down!! Yes i cut up raw market shrimp and he loves it. He just started taking pellets. Im going to mix it up and feed shrimp one day and pellets the other.
  12. ryant

    My 135 gallon Update

    Originally Posted by mjm889 thanks that was all my hard earned overtime busting criminal in 07. i bought this tank in 08! hows your clown trigger doing ryan So far hes good. Ive got him eating pellets now thank goodness. Only thing I thought he would have had more a faster growth rate. I got...
  13. ryant

    My 135 gallon Update

    bro youve got a bad a$$ tank!
  14. ryant

    People! Don't throw your toys into the ocean!

    thats cool he got it off, but i doubt seriously someone threw that in the ocean on purpose. Ive lost the exact same thing at the beach on accident.
  15. ryant

    Hikari Gold

    Only reason i ask is because i buy the stuff in bulk for my jags. Im not familiar with the ingriendients of sw pellets. Edit: just found out that they make a Hikari Marine pellet.
  16. ryant

    Hikari Gold

    I was feeding my freshwater jaguars and decided to drop a pellet in my trigger tank. He devoured the pellet and was wanting more. Would it hurt to include these pellets in his diet?
  17. ryant

    New pictures of my fish

    nice triggers! how bigs ur ct and does he get along well with others?
  18. ryant

    New 125g getting started...

    any updates?
  19. ryant

    My tank

    Originally Posted by Flower Welcome to the site. The first tank looked like a big one, what size was it? Thanks, the first one is just a 55. Originally Posted by lol Good lord mate, nice pictures. Where did you get your camera? What is it? Thank you, I took the pics with my old camera. Its...
  20. ryant

    MY 150 Fish Only

    Originally Posted by NYCeltic The emp Angel is really cool. When I first got him I was really nervous, the most I ever paid for a fish. And he developed some whitish blotches at first. I had him in QT for 2 months and after posting several questions here I was able to get some GREAT advice and...