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  1. btwk12

    gonna go with led's bunch of questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers Okay now.... just got off this web site selling the AI's. Would it be good to still a 24" for the 56 gallon columnor would I do better with the 36. The 36 is 1600+ dollars WOW... (heart palpitations) a 24'' fixture they say is just 2 fixtures on a hanging...
  2. btwk12

    gonna go with led's bunch of questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers I had the very same question a few weeks ago. I too was comparing the ecoray to the AI's. Still haven't made my mind up yet, or should I say I have but the $$$ made up my mind for me. Lol...what what size tank do you have? it says on the AI site that each...
  3. btwk12

    gonna go with led's bunch of questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers Wow.............. this sounds very familiar huh? lol.... ?
  4. btwk12

    gonna go with led's bunch of questions

    i have been researching led fixture's and i have it narrowed down to either the ecoray or the aqua illumination's. here are my concern's with the AI fixture the dimensions are only 5 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches and my tank dimensions are 72''x18''x18'' with a center brace, so i have 2 sides that are...
  5. btwk12

    oddysea products?

    thanks for all the replies
  6. btwk12

    oddysea products?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy I have one of their fixtures. I recommend upgrading the bulbs. I haveent had any issues. you have mh fixture? if so what brand bulb did you use and what temp bulb (k) because i just read somewhere else a guy put a phoenix bulb in and it would not fire
  7. btwk12

    oddysea products?

    does anyone on her have oddysea metal halide lighting? the reason i ask is because i am setting up a coral prop tank and i dont wanna spend a whole bunch on lighting. they have 1000 watt light fixtures with 3-250 mh and 4-80 watt t-5 for $430
  8. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

    got 5 new acro's today as follows, 3'' fire and ice acro, 3''x3'' bright pink mille, 3'' green beret acro, orange sherbert acro frag, and another blueish green acro. plus they gave me a free peice of green digita (it was broke in 4 peices but it was free) so i made 2 small frags out of it...
  9. btwk12

    my tank is shocking me

    i checked everything out and i found nothing my uncle is coming over tommorow (electrician)and were going to figure something out and ill have him change the outlets to gfci outlets.
  10. btwk12

    my tank is shocking me

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef That's how my tank was for a while. My husband thought I was crazy, then when the return pump go worse, it became constant and he got shocked as well. so did it kill anything or did you catch it before it did because i am filling my tank with sps pretty fast...
  11. btwk12

    my tank is shocking me

    well its not doing it now, so there is no way to tell which one is bad. i have got shocked before when my arm was wet, and i stuck it in the tank, and touched the light fixture at the same time. if im off tommorow i am going to inspect all my wiring, and thats a lot of work.
  12. btwk12

    my tank is shocking me

    everytime i stick my hand in my tank water it shocks me! and sometimes it's a pretty good jolt! but everything in my tank is doing fine. and even when i stick my finger in there and it shocks me they still have no reaction at all. what could be causing this and why is it shocking me and they are...
  13. btwk12

    Red Slime algae in sump?

    my whole fuge is covered with a layer of cyano, because i have a turf scrubber in there and the lights run 18 hours a day. but i just turn my return pump off when doing water changes and clean it out. never had a problem with it so far
  14. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

    im not very good at takin pics but thats what i came up with those are after i took my monster duncan colony (25+ heads) and put it in the 30 cube
  15. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

  16. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

    i think the top one is a subulata (not 100%) and i dont remember what the other is. i got them cuz they were bright purple, and i needed some purple. i got them at the divers den Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB def not a birdsnest (seriatopora sp.). its def an acro (acropora sp.) but cant...
  17. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

    the actinics were on in the pics i just cant take good pics. i will take some more today with the daylight cycle on. since i got my new tunze's i cant keep no sand at all on the front of my tank, and thats with them as low as they will go!!! i found every empty shell and lr rubble i had and...
  18. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

    they are both bright purple with green tips. im not good at taking pics, but the first 1 has already started showing it's tentacles but the second one has not opened up as much. (just a lil on the tips) i made the second one my new center peice and i will be taking my duncan colony to the 30...
  19. btwk12

    new acro's (pics

    got 2 new acro's today, will get pic's up tommorow. i am slowly but surely going to make my 100 gal into sps dominant tank. the top is already pretty well stocked with sps. but i do wish that i wouldnt have put the monti digita's in there, i just don't care for them that much. but it's a lil...
  20. btwk12

    ordered some acros online difference in acclimating?

    like it said got some acro's coming tommorow around 3 pm my question is how should i acclimate them? i usually just temp acclimate my corals then set them in at the bottom and work them to where i want them. but i have never ordered sps online, just bought them locally. so should i drip them for...