105 gallon tall tank with sump....i am setting this tank up with a sfe, volitan lion, lunar wrasse, and probably a niger trigger, which fish do i add first and what additives should i add to the tank????? oh also do i need to buy some airstones????
is 8.50 totally too expensive per pound of live rock? And has anyone ordered any live rock from this site?? Do i need high quality lr if im doing a fowlr tank"?? Thx in advance....
i would like to trade a brand new fluval 404 filter (bought b4 i looked at this site....what a waste!!!) for anything else useful hopefully a uv sterlizer...any questions....heres my email
I am a rookie and need to collect everything that i need to set up a fish only aquarium....i have the tank, salt, ph kit, timer, heater, sump all that crap.....What are some other things that i may have forgotten about that may not be needed but might be a luxury...besides ---!!!! Well i...
k i think i got what i want finally,,,,,,,,, a sfe, volitan lion, some kind of puffer (that doesnt nip fins) and a naso or hippo tang???any suggestions?
i havent cycled yet just searchin for the perfect fish right now..i know eels may eat a cleanup crew i didnt think this combo would work.....sfe, puffer, and lion. any suggestions?
well in my book the "foxface rabbitfish" which is different than the "magnificent rabbitfish" grows up to 9.4 inches which is smaller than teh magnificent which grows up to 9.1. The book says that a foxface needs a minimum of 75 gallons