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  1. teresaq1

    vi3tb0i 29gal pics(update)

    Looking good so far. add lots more live rock :happyfish
  2. teresaq1

    A few Pictures

    it is tiny but getting bigger and hides in that hole.
  3. teresaq1

    A few Pictures

    Thanks speg, i think the first one looks like my mandrin is in a field hiding behind a tree.
  4. teresaq1

    A few Pictures

    last, can anyone id this, sorry for the bad picture, but hard to get a shot of. It is in a hole in a pice of rock with mushrooms and zoos on it. it retracts when you go near it, so it is prob some type of pest anemone
  5. teresaq1

    A few Pictures

    few more
  6. teresaq1

    A few Pictures

    Hope you enjoy
  7. teresaq1

    anyone for a cooler swap?

    hi, is this thing going on. i havent received any e-mail about who is sending to who???????
  8. teresaq1

    My son wants an eel so I have a few questions...

    very cool. what are you feeding. Mine loves shrimp pellets. he sticks his head out and watches for me to come to the tank, as if asking for a few pellets.
  9. teresaq1

    Red Serpant taking down Naso/Picasso???

    He prob did. i am pretty sure you need to spot feed him something bigger then mysis. esp since it is so big. you can buy 2 or 3 shrimp from the grocey store for under a dollar. cut them into about three pieces, and put a piece next to his hole.
  10. teresaq1

    Rock in Tank

    ask at lfs how long they have had it. smell it, and if still not sure, put it in a rubbermaid tub with salt water, and power head, and leave for a week or so. When i do it, i use the tank water from a water change. All i have ever bought fro the fish store has been petty much cured.
  11. teresaq1

    Red Serpant taking down Naso/Picasso???

    are you feeding your star anything. sounds like you need to go to the grocery store and buy some shrimp to feed it. sound like its hungry
  12. teresaq1

    Rock in Tank

    Sure, you can add live rock anytime, as long as it is fully cured. I add a piece now and then, but i make sure it is cured good before adding.
  13. teresaq1

    how to clean exterior glass

    I use a little vinager to wipe the glass, then clean paper towels.
  14. teresaq1

    Update pics of SpegReef

    hey, how is the beast doing. Is it eatting?? I see those eyes in the picture.
  15. teresaq1

    another question, diff subject Thanks
  16. teresaq1

    WHOA! My crab just split in half!

    When i buy hermits, my fish store always gives me extra empty shells.
  17. teresaq1

    Every describe your CRAZY CLOWNFISH QUIRKS...

    mine use to love thier green mushroom, now the female has discovered the frilly mushrooms above, and she just loves to snuggle down in. its funny to watch her make a fuss over them. today she tried to feed them. she grabbed a piece of flake food, and spit it on the fuzzy shrooms.
  18. teresaq1

    another question, diff subject

    hi, sorry to be a pest tonight, but i may go with a nano cube instead of the ten gal i have now. my question is for someone with a jbj delux. how long are the bulbs, and is there room in the hood to add more lights. I really want more then the 48 wtts the cube comes with, and would like to retro...
  19. teresaq1

    Quick Question --Please

    I am makeinfg a canopy for my 10gal, i am going to use the 96 wtt pc lights. How tall should i make the canopy????? 5 or 6 inches???
  20. teresaq1

    what about these these lights

    I thought i'd build a simple canopy. I thought the price was really good. 34.00 I found a reflector for 9.00