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  1. arsen_36

    high nitrate problem

    thats it?
  2. arsen_36

    high nitrate problem

    my nitrate is at like 30. is this from over feeding or from the H.O.T magnum canister filter i have? is it a problem for my mushroom and fish? every time i do a water change the nitrate stays the same....
  3. arsen_36

    My 280 Gal

    nice! i like your hawk i have the same one :happyfish
  4. arsen_36

    Best Tank Contest!

    i can't decide between 2, 37 and 22
  5. arsen_36

    Best Tank Contest!

    out of all the tanks, spankeys 46 bowfront was my favorite! i don't know why but i like spankeys 46 better than steves ocean :notsure: i didn't even think it was possible....
  6. arsen_36

    New Goby in My Fuge and Can't get It out. Concerned.

    Originally Posted by surferb don't know much about goby's but i've accidently left my lights on all night and my fish have been fine yeah me too...
  7. arsen_36

    what kind of mushroom is this?

    Originally Posted by Debbie If they look like this they are green hairy mushrooms. My favorite mushroom next to the striped ones. yeah i think thats what i got! thanks! how long do you think it'll take to open up? i have had it for like 2 weeks or so....
  8. arsen_36

    what kind of mushroom is this?

    heres bonebreaks hairy mushroom. mine looks kinda like it but the "hair" is much shorter and mine is green. is mine a hairy mushroom that isn't fully opened :help:
  9. arsen_36

    New fish unidentified

    5.99 yup definatly a damsel! can i have it as to what kind of damsel, i have no idea but it sure is purty
  10. arsen_36

    Need help collection my own sharks

    just get a GIANT fish net and throw it in a pick-up full of salt water just playing... i don't know anything about sharks except from what i saw on jaws :scared:
  11. arsen_36

    what kind of mushroom is this?

    it's a bit more spikey than a ricordia :notsure: . geez if i only knew how to describe it
  12. arsen_36

    Moderator Tanks

    i think im gonna have to kill you ! no im kidding great tank!
  13. arsen_36

    what kind of mushroom is this?

    not the greatest pic but what the heck. it's green with prickly pink things all around and it glows BRIGHT neon green under the moonlight :notsure: and if it helps i got it for 15 bucks. one polup
  14. arsen_36

    Clownfish going nuts.....

    give it a couple days/weeks and it should stop. wild cought clowns do this.
  15. arsen_36

    Ammo Lock

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy Amphipods seem to eat my sponge filters fairly quickly :( realy? i didn't know that :thinking:
  16. arsen_36

    anyone work at a pet store?

    the ***** around here kills fish but takes pretty good care of corals. unbeleivable? beleive it
  17. arsen_36

    New fish unidentified

    how much did you pay for it?
  18. arsen_36

    Did I Get Ripped Off!!!!!!!!!!

    yeah here in cali the rock is pretty cheap. 3-6 bucks a pound
  19. arsen_36

    New 55 Gallon Reef Tank!!!!

    Originally Posted by Winstew How sturdy is that rock work... It looks really good but I had a bad expirence with the topple effect and wouldn't want any1 esle to go through that. yeah doesn't look to sturdy....
  20. arsen_36

    New 55 Gallon Reef Tank!!!!

    you should keep your calcium at around 420. i don't know what would happen if you go beyond that but what i know is KEEP your calcium levels at 420. so what kind of lighting do you have?