Search results

  1. irishstout

    Check it out Louisiana

    We have organized a club and would like anyone who is interested to join up. You can contact me through email or check out Thanks, Colin
  2. irishstout

    Check it out Louisiana

    We have organized a club and would like anyone who is interested to join up. You can contact me through email or check out Thanks, Colin
  3. irishstout

    Need a new valonia eater

    The foxface did a great job of controlling valonia as well as some hair algae I had in the tank. The emerald crabs I have enjoy the smaller growths of valonia, but I was hoping I could find a fish that did as good a job as a the foxface I had. In all likely hood I will get another foxface but...
  4. irishstout

    Need a new valonia eater

    My Foxface got caught behind some rocks and kicked the bucket :( My wife was never a big fan, so are there any other suggestions for fish that help keeping valonia in check??
  5. irishstout

    The Next Meeting of Louisiana Hobbyists

    As some of you know we have started a club for all the hobbyists in the area. The first meeting was certainly a success, and we are hoping to have more of you join us next time. You can email me for details on the when and where or if you have any other questions. Thanks, Colin...
  6. irishstout

    The Next Meeting of Louisiana Hobbyists

    As some of you know we have started a club for all the hobbyists in the area. The first meeting was certainly a success, and we are hoping to have more of you join us next time. You can email me for details on the when and where or if you have any other questions. Thanks, Colin...
  7. irishstout

    The Next Meeting of Louisiana Hobbyists

    As some of you know we have started a club for all the hobbyists in the area. The first meeting was certainly a success, and we are hoping to have more of you join us next time. You can email me for details on the when and where or if you have any other questions. Thanks, Colin...
  8. irishstout

    Calling all Louisiana Reefers!

    The day and time has been set! If any of you are interested in attending, drop me an email and I'll send you the info. Later, Colin
  9. irishstout

    Calling all Louisiana Reefers!

    Drop me an email so I can put you on the list of people interested, so far we have at least a dozen. Plans for the first meeting will hopefully be worked out this weekend, weather permitting :( This way I I can drop you a line and let you know whats up
  10. irishstout

    Calling all Louisiana Reefers!

  11. irishstout

    Calling all Louisiana Aquarists

    I should have done this earlier. Why dont you email me so I can get a list together.
  12. irishstout

    Calling all Louisiana Reefers!

    I should have done this sooner, why don't you guys email me so I can get a list organized.