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  1. darthtang aw

    Some good news.

    I'm glad he is freed.  But the precedence set is scary. Not really. P.o.w. Exchange has been going on for a very long time. That is basically what this is from my pov.
  2. darthtang aw

    Some good news.
  3. darthtang aw


    Gotta keep em alive inbetween tortures. Keep em talkin. Do you not approve? Considering there is 1 doctor per 30 thousand veterans. With a budget increase of 92% over the last 10 years.
  4. darthtang aw


    At gitmo there is 1 doctor on hand for every 1.5 prisoners............................
  5. darthtang aw

    How many things are wrong with this story?
  6. darthtang aw

    Fish Funnies

    Thats pretty cool. Wait....are you sure it isn't a settlement check for pain and suffering?
  7. darthtang aw

    Fish Funnies

    THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU! I cast you out! Unclean spirit! Darth (The exorcist) Tang
  8. darthtang aw

    Fish Funnies

    I repent! Just make it stop.
  9. darthtang aw

    What's an affordable, reliable varmint rifle?

    I was dinging around window shopping on the interwebs today. Would you believe an AR in 30:06?   think I will :) That is interesting.............
  10. darthtang aw


    There is a sector of the government that has 1.5 doctors to care for every 1 individual in this sector. Can you guess what it is? When you find out, you will be even more irritated at the VA who currently pays their doctors and nurses twice the going rate in the private sector. Not to mention...
  11. darthtang aw

    What's an affordable, reliable varmint rifle?

    Yep, at $10 a round you don't want to take more than a couple shots to sight it in.  I've had a few 500 yard shots with it, it's kinda cool to hit something you can't actually see without magnification.  Other than that I actually have no issue with it being illegal here.   For me it's more of a...
  12. darthtang aw

    What's an affordable, reliable varmint rifle?

    22 ammo is actually a pain to find and expensive in some areas right now.  Down here it isn't hard to find, but is double the price it used to be a year ago. But you are still comparing 12 dollars for 100 rounds to 40 dollars for 100 rounds. The conversion kits are nice.I have the chiappa...
  13. darthtang aw

    Fish Funnies

    And people call water boarding torture? Darth (Drown me please) tang
  14. darthtang aw

    Fish Funnies

    20 million unemployed comedians and we couldnt attract a single one to this forum? I have been told humor can hurt, but this is borderline torture.
  15. darthtang aw

    Fish Funnies

    I forgot to laugh.
  16. darthtang aw

    What's an affordable, reliable varmint rifle?

    For the zombie apocalypse, unfortunately dad's .50 sniper rifle isn't legal in NY so I have a gap.  I have to keep it in South Carolina.  Your wife would not enjoy shooting it....  lol She fired one once. from a laydown position obviously. It was enough to nix any thoughts of ever having one...
  17. darthtang aw

    What's an affordable, reliable varmint rifle?

    .22 is still on the hard to find list. But not as bad as it was. Clemson that rifle is solid. Especially at that price. But for small varmints it might get a bit expensive and may be overkill. But for the price you cant go wrong at all. For small varmints like that smith and wesson makes a .22...
  18. darthtang aw

    Does it make sense to you?

    Can someone tell me what the difference is between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton that actually matters for the presidency?   Healthcare?
  19. darthtang aw

    Does it make sense to you?

    5 Aggravating Ways Grassroots Conservatives Screw Themselves John Hawkins | May 17, 2014 John Hawkins The only thing that's easier for a conservative than beating up on an establishment Republican is thrashing a liberal. What we don't do so well is figuring out what we're doing wrong. Most of...
  20. darthtang aw

    Really Miss Her

    That was very nice of the vet. We take pictures of all the dogs that come into our shop. When we hear of one passing away we have an artist we commission to make 8X10 life like drawings of the pet. and send them to the owners.