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  1. good alex

    help with stock list

    This is the order that i will be putting the fish in the tank. The midas blenny and neon goby can go in at any time because they are very docile. 1)anthias 2)purple pseudochromis 3)flame angel 4)tang sound good?
  2. good alex

    help with stock list

    Im aware of the flame angel, its a hit or miss with the corals, tangs however are reefsafe, why would i have to monitor the tangs?? There herbivores. anyone else have any thoughts about my stock list?
  3. good alex

    help with stock list

    im kinda re thinking the powder blue tang, because they can get pretty big. do you think i should replace the powder with an achilies, i kno there also hard fish to keep but they dont get as big.
  4. good alex

    help with stock list

    Ya i was reading that if you get the flame angel small and feed it meaty and prepared foods, they wont nip at your corals unles they are hungry. So hopefully i can find one thats about 2-3 inches
  5. good alex

    help with stock list

    I have a 150g reef tank, with a 55g fuge that has a skimmer and a uv sterelizer. The DT has about 200lb of lr and a sand bed of 2-3in. After saving up for a while and finishing my fuge project ive decided to stock my tank. I will be constructing my own canopy for my lights and to prevent anyone...
  6. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    the only fish in my tank are a yellow tang, six line wrasse, and two perc clowns. i have heard about the cutting off the arms with a razor blade, but how much will it take. one of the legs is desigrating more than the others, will the problem stop at the torso or will it go through and on to...
  7. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    Ya i feed the tank once every four to five days
  8. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    1) I feed the tank every 4-5 days, variety of formula 1+2, flakes with garlic, mysis, and cyclops. 2) No 3) Yes hermits and nass snails 4)???? my lr has bristle worms here and there but covered? no 5) sandbed and the glass 6) ya ~2-3in i dont really put in phytoplankton alot, i do have a bottle...
  9. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    i wasent sure about the serpent and fromia, just thought that because they were both inverts and starfish they would show some of the same conditions, guess not. no heavy metals in my tank, use water from my RO/DI. i havent added much in my tank for atleast 5 months, been trying to save up for...
  10. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    a little over 2 yrs, i remember because it was a christmas present
  11. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    Originally Posted by candycane I would guess stress due to tank conditions. If you have corals or anything else in your tank, they tend to take entire sections and not just strip away flesh like that. Most starfish will literally "deteriorate" with water conditions that are fluctuating too...
  12. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    Originally Posted by ophiura I am concerned about a couple of things. Could you provide more details on your tank maintenance, frequency of testing, test kits used? REcent water changes? What you dose? Why and how are you bringing up your pH? What is your alkalinity? That could either be...
  13. good alex

    Quick Question

    well heres an update, dont even have any pictures of what it looked like before, it was just so mesed up. when it was completed And now that its set up
  14. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    just pmed her
  15. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    i only have a ph test kit, but mine and the lfs has the same results for ph, my salt has always been between 1.025-1.027. using a refractometer.
  16. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    thats what i was thinking, any chance it was the emerald crab, jus added it a few days ago.
  17. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    im slowly bring it up, adding some buffer each day.
  18. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    pics are kinda graphic
  19. good alex

    Starfish in critical condition

    I just noticed this today, my starfish is falling apart!! Ive had this fromia starfish for about 2yrs. the only new additons to the tank since ive last seen the star in good shape was an emerald crab, few hermits, and a refugium (switched out wet/dry and 20g fuge for a 55g fuge, kept skimmer...
  20. good alex


    well if they are mini carpets then i dont know how they survived in my fuge, all i have lighting wise are some plant grower lights.