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  1. fixed

    Am I maxed out?

    When going bigger, is tank length the primary factor, as opposed to front/back or height dimensions? In terms of fish stress/room to swim, that is.
  2. fixed

    Am I maxed out?

    Incidentally, does everyone agree that bigger is always better (for water quality and the fish)? Is it normal to always want a bigger tank?
  3. fixed

    Am I maxed out?

    I don't intend to imply anything, as I really don't know. My primary point is whether there really is scientific support for what many of us say here, things like "so many inches of fish per gallon" and "tangs need at least 70 gallons" etc. I know absolutely for certain the sometimes fish...
  4. fixed

    Am I maxed out?

    I'm not disputing what you're saying, but do we really know that fish are "stressed" from being around too many others, or from living in a tank 4 feet long instead of 7 feet? Has anyone really done a scientific study on whether a fish would live 30 years or 50 years, based upon its tank and...
  5. fixed

    Am I maxed out?

    Star? How about a blue sea star? I have one that is very striking.
  6. fixed

    normal fish behavior?

    Amazing difference. The tang was all shy and hiding a lot, and now is the life of the party. Do fish "play"? Sure looks like they are.
  7. fixed

    normal fish behavior?

    I have 3 inch blue tang and a 3 inch dwarf bicolor angel. After being in the tank a few days together, they almost look like they are courting or something. They swim all over the tank side by side, sort of twirling around each other, seemingly playful. No nipping or chasing, though. Is this...
  8. fixed

    clown + trigger?

    Would a large maroon clown get along with a picasso trigger? (55 gallon fowlr) Thanks.
  9. fixed

    fish treadmill?

    For fish that need swimming room, like tangs, would their having to swim upstream into the current of a powerhead simulate a larger tank? Any observations on this?
  10. fixed

    maroon clowns

    Thanks. I'd love to get one, but I don't want any mean ones.
  11. fixed

    maroon clowns

    How aggressive are large maroons to fish other than clowns?
  12. fixed

    biggest screw-ups?

    So, is the lesson never to buy a used tank, or just let it sit filled with fresh water for a month in the garage first?
  13. fixed

    biggest screw-ups?

    She must be Italian. ;-)
  14. fixed

    biggest screw-ups?

    That's my nightmare. I have my 55 in my brand new law office in a brand new building, and I'd just die if there were even a spot on the new carpet. I'm absolutely paranoid that I'll come in one day and find a blown hose connection with water everywhere .
  15. fixed

    biggest screw-ups?

    Anyone do anything as stupid as this? Found a dead clown this morning. Using my long scissor/grabber thingy, I picked it up to dispose. Well, being a total oaf, I grabbed and smashed a shrimp there with the clown carcass as well. End of shrimp, dangit. Maybe it would be good to have a thread on...
  16. fixed

    Avg. life of a saltwater fish

    What are the chances of your tank/water staying well enough to keep them alive that long?
  17. fixed

    under tank skimmer?

    Are there any skimmers that can be plumbed under the tank in a cabinet, without a sump? I see some advertised that appear to be so, but I can't tell for sure. If there is such a thing, could it be plumbed in series with a canister filter? Thanks.
  18. fixed

    Nitra-Zorb in saltwater? Problems?

    I've been running FilStar Nitra-Zorb in my XP2, and just changed the pouch for new one. I noticed for the first time on the package that it says "For Fresh Water." This is a 55 gallon saltwater aquarium. Is this a problem, or a "no benefit" situation? Take it out or does it matter? Thanks.
  19. fixed

    who to vote off the island?

    Great info. Thanks. My 55 is at my office. Sometime in the next year, I want to do a larger tank at home. I think your suggestions are good. Yesterday I got rid of the triggers. I picked up a shrimp with the credit. I was quite an ordeal catching those triggers, too. I think I'll hang on to the...
  20. fixed

    can't catch the little rascals

    Thanks, Got him. Used a bottle trap, as suggested, but the picasso met the same fate as the niger, into the "natural trap" of dead barnacles. Off to the store. Thanks, all.