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  1. dvst8r

    emperor angel poll

    is a 125 gallon to small to house a juvenile emperor angel?
  2. dvst8r

    science channel

    predators of the great barrier reef is airing on the science channel right now
  3. dvst8r

    stocking question

    ok if i dont add the emperor hows that
  4. dvst8r

    stocking question

    i have a 125 gallon with 125 lbs lr and 40 lbs ls it been up and running about 6 mths here is what i have in it fish wise 1 regal tang 1 coral beauty 1 true perc 2 yellow tails i still wanna add in this order 1 emperor angel very very soon 1 mandarin goby in about 4 months and finally 1 powder...
  5. dvst8r

    RO/DI Unit...

    go to lowes and ask for a WATTS BRASS FITTING PART NUMBER PABV-664 that is the part that will take the place of the faucet adapter i just spent 2.5 hrs at lowes doing the same thing the part number should be the time saver
  6. dvst8r

    Tds Meter

    lol im throwing in the towel for the night but thanks for the help and come on steelers
  7. dvst8r

    Tds Meter

    lol man i kinda thought maybe i messed up and was collecting the waste so i pulled the waste line off and it was putting out just as much as the pure water out line oh and by the way the tds reading coming out of both is through the roof like 160 i dont know what to do this purifier is making me...
  8. dvst8r

    Tds Meter

    the ro/di is 75 gpd but it is making way more water that that i dont really understand what the heck is going on with this piece of crap it filled a 32 gallon trash can in about 35 min any comments PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME it seems everytime i post something on this site nobody wants to reply to my...
  9. dvst8r

    Our tanks.

    you might wanna think about trading that goby on for something else he really really needs an established tank with lots and lots of lr to graze on all day long plus if you tank hasnt been running for atleast a minimum of 6 mths you probalydont have enough pods anyways
  10. dvst8r

    Tds Meter

    well irecently hooked up my ro/di filter the waste water has been running out for 2 hrs and my tds meter is getting a reading of 18 ppm isnt that still a little high of is that about right thanks for any replies
  11. dvst8r

    Joe's Juice Overhaul

    Originally Posted by mudplayerx If you have access to the aptasia by hand, just use something long and sharp to kill it. While I've been lucky and only had 2 of them in my tank in the last year, I simply used a BBQ skewer and stabbed the heck out of them and they never came back. Why use...
  12. dvst8r

    My little experiment...

    Right now in the mind of the eel: just a little bit closer, closer, come you can do it I wont even have to chew. Right now in the mind of the cleaner: boy oh boy this has got to be the dirtiest mouth ive ever seen got to clean it really good and show my new friend here im worth while. In the...
  13. dvst8r

    Warning about grocery store RO Water

    yea .50 cents a month isnt bad at all but my tank evaporates about 2 gallons a day then 25-30 gallon water changes twice a week thats alot of high quality h2o
  14. dvst8r

    Nfl Playoffs

    Originally Posted by ruaround Scuba ... I started another thread on this very thing you should debate this there ... he made a "Football Move" which is defined as, but not limited too... two steps, two feet down, a knee touching the ground, an elbow touching the ground, stretching for a first...
  15. dvst8r

    Nfl Playoffs

    Nah Nah Nah, Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey Good Bye Sorry Peyton Thanks For The Trip To Denver
  16. dvst8r

    Nfl Playoffs

    Originally Posted by KOgle All I know is Pittsburg doesn't stand a chance... this could very well be the stupidest thing ive ever said in my whole life but pitt wins in indy denver knocks the pats out da bears beat carolina and seatle is to much for washington oh and just to clear this up...
  17. dvst8r

    post pic of your dogs!!

    HARNDOG thats an awfully big english (1st pic) how much does he weigh??? i've got an english about a year old weighs 72 lbs and a little frenchie wish i had a camera id pos pics the frenchie is awesome about half the size of the english and kicks the pooh out of him
  18. dvst8r

    nfl playoffs

  19. dvst8r

    nfl playoffs

    mark my words steelers are gonnacome bake and WWWIIINNN!!!!!!!!!!
  20. dvst8r

    stocking help

    well guys i just got done reading marlins post about niger setup it was very amusing but now i have a very important question i have a very good friend who works at the new atlanta aquarium and he said he could smuggle me a baby whale shark now im not really set up for it now but could i place...