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  1. reb

    Can a clam be out of water?

    what about a brain coral?
  2. reb

    Can a clam be out of water?

    Can a clam be out of water for about a minute?
  3. reb

    Foxface in a Reef tank???

    thanks for all the replys
  4. reb

    Foxface in a Reef tank???

    I am looking at combining my two tanks. The three fish that would move into my reef tank are a small hippo tang, possibly a damsel, and possibly a foxface rabbitfish. Anyone have any experience with a foxface in a reef tank.(all sorts of corals) How about the damsel?
  5. reb

    What pc bulbs to buy?

  6. reb

    What pc bulbs to buy?

    if it just says actinic is thta more than likely not an 03?
  7. reb

    What pc bulbs to buy?

    how do you know if they are actinic 03. they never tell you in the description.
  8. reb

    What pc bulbs to buy?

    Anyone have any ideas?
  9. reb

    What pc bulbs to buy?

    I have a custom sea life 48" 4x65watt fixture. I need to buy replacement bulbs for my 75 gal reef tank/ all sorts of different corals. Right now it came with 2 10000K and 2 actinic. When I look to buy I see daylight bulbs of 10000K and 6700K. What would be best. Also I see 460n actinics and...
  10. reb

    Heater questions

  11. reb

    Heater questions

    Does anyone make a heater that has an external control with a sensor. I found one but the problem I run into is I want the heater in the sump and the sensor in the main tank. The one I found the sensor probe is only about 6 inches from the heater, never would make it into the main tank.
  12. reb

    NEED HELP ICK tank wipeout

    help anyone?
  13. reb

    NEED HELP ICK tank wipeout

    I noticed three days ago that my 1 year old hippo tang had ick and one clarkii clown fish. I added stress coat, turned lights off, and did a 25% water change 75 gal tank. Now today the hippo tang is totally white, three clown fish covered, foxface covered and small naso tang has some white...
  14. reb

    Help with set up question

    Thanks for clearing that up.
  15. reb

    Help with set up question

    The tank does have 1" bulkheads, what does that mean?
  16. reb

    Help with set up question

    My tank is a 125 with built in overflows, each overflow can handle 1200 gph. I will have a 20gal sump and 29 gal fuge. I want to use two mag pumps in the sump for return. One will T between the main tank and the fuge, and the other one will T between the main tank and a scwd. I don't know...
  17. reb

    ? about new fuge

    what is the benefit of having xenia in your fuge? what else can you have in there with the xenia?
  18. reb

    ? about new fuge

    what is chaeto? I,m in the process of building my fuge and not sure of everything I should put in it. Fuge will be 29gal.
  19. reb

    How deep of sandbed in fuge

    Thanks for the advise.
  20. reb

    How deep of sandbed in fuge

    I was told that the detrivore kit has all the creatures to keep a healthy sandbed and to grow food for fish and corals to eat in the main tank.