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  1. clem1999

    cant find my answer to this...

    yes a nitrate question but i believe my huge jump is due to overfeeding frozen food and some flake but my question is... will feeding seaweed & marine snow cause the levels to go way up? my scopas (very small) eats basically a sheet per night so i kept adding them. what should i do with my...
  2. clem1999

    Eel in 55 gallon

    mine was out of the water approx 2-5 hours and i put him back in and he swam right away.. then he shed his mucas coat and everything was fine.. just a little shocked i think.. but they will get out if there is a spot
  3. clem1999

    Lionfish 28...

    stop posting stupid stuff.. you are everywhere and very annoying
  4. clem1999

    sponge help

    my buddy has a blue sponge that is growing quick. he wants to give me a piece of it. we have read that all you do is break it off in 1 inch pieces for it to survive in a new tank. can anyone help me out with this one.
  5. clem1999

    Eat It!!

    buy a feeder stick (about $3). buy some silversides. bump the eels nose with the silverside and if he is hungry he will eat if he doesnt right away dont force him to.
  6. clem1999

    Eel in 55 gallon

    i have a snowflake and my buddy has a chainlink. we both feed ours silversides and all has gone well mine escaped once (the first night) then i got a glass top. they are pretty cool and eat a lot. .have fun i recommend either one
  7. clem1999

    if i drop the water level...

    i wouldl like to drop it maybe an inch if it would make a difference with the eel. i do have a glass top but does that weaken the light?? the eel got out the first day but now that he has found a spot he doesnt swim much at all
  8. clem1999

    if i drop the water level...

    any comments
  9. clem1999

    blue sponge

    please help
  10. clem1999

    blue sponge

    my buddy has a blue sponge that is growing quick. he wants to give me a piece of it. we have read that all you do is break it off in 1 inch pieces for it to survive in a new tank. can anyone help me out with this one.
  11. clem1999

    if i drop the water level...

    if i lower the level of water from the top of my tank will my snowflake eel still be able to jump out? he is about 8 inches and i didnt know if i could just let it uncovered i have coralife 48" w/lunar lights and would like to leave an open top. i do have a glass top but will that weaken the...
  12. clem1999

    bicolor vs coral beauty

    would these two fish get along successfully what is the rule on angels?
  13. clem1999

    corallife lunar light system

    does anybody have this system and if so is it nice? anything cheaper that compares to it around $300 for a 48" im new to the light upgrade and i am not sure what to get to house corals. (my tank will be much larger in a year)
  14. clem1999

    ballast kit

  15. clem1999

    what can i have in my tank with...

    thanks for all your help i am now currently building my own VHO set up. I am making it able to house 2 bulbs 110 watts each. what are your opinions on that? its a step in the right direction i think
  16. clem1999

    ballast kit

    it would be for VHO bulbs
  17. clem1999

    ballast kit

    has anyone ever built their own ballast kit? if so how much did it cost you. i am building one within a couple weeks but didnt look into cost yet. thanks
  18. clem1999

    what can i have in my tank with...

    my question is though, why would they make a 48" light that says it is ok for corals and my size tank is the smallest a 48" would fit. so you say i cannot have corals but the box does say so? can i have a long tentacle anenome? or any others for a clown? what kind of lighting is mine called...
  19. clem1999

    what can i have in my tank with...

    so i cant have any anenomes or anything.. the box from the light says its ok for corals??
  20. clem1999

    what can i have in my tank with...

    i have the zoomed 50/50 36 watt 48" light. it says its ok for corals and stuff.. my ? is what all can i add and what can i def not add. i really would like an anenome to host a clown and a few corals what can i do