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  1. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Your tank is doing much better after you have read my guides huh? C'mmon, admit it! lol I had Cyno Problem almost 70% of the time . your guide helped me alot for killing it for good this time . been cyno sober for 4 months
  2. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower I forget just how big our world wide web is...I always assume everyone is in America and I know better, I just don't think of it. Hope you can find the peppermints, but be careful they are easy to get mixed up with the camel shrimp which looks very simular, so...
  3. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Quote: Originally Posted by beaslbob Well with the understanding I only have 8 years in a much smaller tank let me give you my "overall" ideas. 1) balance out the tank with plant life like macro algae or turf algae. 2) use the diy two part method to maintain calcium, alk, and magnesium. (do...
  4. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower My can get ANYTHING on-line! Golf coast ecosystems has all kinds of choices for as the peppermint shrimp. I think on-line is the best way to stock your tank becuase you get a 14 day a LFS when you walk out of the...
  5. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Only real way that I know of to keep a tank going is just pure husbandry / maintenance. You can't really leave a tank along and just feed the fish - otherwise your setting yourself up for disaster. Do your water changes, fix your chemistry and nutrient...
  6. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Quote: Originally Posted by beaslbob I only ran my 55g for 8 years. So that leave me out. it was just a figure of speech . and what does "Overgrowth" means exaclty . and my Aitapsia problem is getting outa hand . i used red sea's aitapsia X but they are too many in places outa reach witha...
  7. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    Display tank : 3 meters long and i have 2 overflows on each side on the tank. light : i have 2 Metal halide + T5 fixtures . 5 MH bulbs , 150w , 2 are 14000K and 3 are 20,000K . circulation : i have 2 max jet 8000 return pumps with accelerator on each end . i have 6 power heads , 3 on each side...
  8. ivasawajin

    Want Tips from +10 year old reef veterans Please .

    i started this hobby in summer 2010 . and now i have a 9 month old 550G reef . i read many books and researched and changed 3 tanks and done many things to undrestand the reef aquarium . but i'm on super speed mode . i dont have much experiece and running and giant 550G reef tank need more than...
  9. ivasawajin

    My Sohal tang nipps Corals and everthing esle !

    I feed 3-2 times a day . first i give them a little flake in the morning then some frozen meaty food for the middle of the day and MAYBE some Nori at the end of the light time . they all are fat and healthy
  10. ivasawajin

    My Sohal tang nipps Corals and everthing esle !

    i need a bigger net . I thought tangs were Reef Safe . whats wrong with him ?
  11. ivasawajin

    My Sohal tang nipps Corals and everthing esle !

    my sohal nipps everything i buy that new, Clams , corals , fish . his been in my 500G reef for 5 months and now his around 30cm but he eats too much and bites some corals and his bites are big and his very aggresive on my other fish . i want him out , how can i catch him ?
  12. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Cyanobacteria Treatment

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bang Guy It can be. It depends on your system and what makes up the TDS. Typically, Nitrate and Phosphates leak through a RO membrane. If that's all there is then I see no issue at all. But if you already have a Cyanobacter issue then obviously adding more fuel to...
  13. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Cyanobacteria Treatment

    6 points in the TDS meter for aquarium water is ok or high ?
  14. ivasawajin

    Very high Calcium Levels Hurting the Clam ?

    with a hose and a knot . slowly dosing .
  15. ivasawajin

    How would this sump be set up?

    Carbon use is good for Corals and it makes the water more clear but it obsorbs additives if its in the water when adding , and anywhere with a medium-high flow is good . the more water contact the faster obsorbment . some even put carbon in media reactors .
  16. ivasawajin

    Very high Calcium Levels Hurting the Clam ?

    my alk is 11 and i added cal and mag and stro so all of them are high with the same ratios . ill post a pic .
  17. ivasawajin

    How would this sump be set up?

    skimmers should be in the first part after the wool or filter sock part and sump counts as your total aquarium volume so put as much as water in there as you can , sumps are basicly your own taste in filterration and there are some rules but overall its all up to you .
  18. ivasawajin

    Reducing Phosphates in a 500G reef .

    how can i make 250G sal mixes every week ? i dont have the room . and salt here is very expensive . its 6 times the prize of in the US . i think i should go with chemichals and changing my reactor medias and 15% water changes . salt the one of the most expensive parts of the hobby here if you...
  19. ivasawajin

    Snake's Method for Cyanobacteria Treatment

    niceee , good read .
  20. ivasawajin

    Reducing Phosphates in a 500G reef .

    i have green hair algae problem , my PO4 is high . how can i reduce PO4 in a huge tank fast? and i know the root of the problem so i know ( overfeeding) .