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  1. 92protruck

    help! sick clownfish!

    Your description sounds like brook which is common on newly added clowns. A picture would help but brook is most likely. You don't have to have a QT you can do the formalin bath and return him to the DT but you need to act very quickly. Brook can kill in a day or two.
  2. 92protruck

    Another ID Please...

    looks a little like the common bristleworm/fireworm but darts thru the water from one side of the tank to the other and is extremely fast. None of the worms in the tank have ever swam around like this and this looks a little different.
  3. 92protruck

    ID please..anyone seen this?

    hard to get good pic but this monster has long antennea, one large claw (like a stone crab), a tail that looks like a lobster, long skinny body translucent with black stripes around the body, jointed legs, approx. 1" long. Any ideas?
  4. 92protruck

    can I supplement feed dolabrifera dolabrifera?

    Well, he cleaned the tank from top to bottom and there is no more filamentous algae or diatoms left. The tank is spotless. Is there anything else he will eat? Hate to see him go hungry while I find him a new home.
  5. 92protruck

    how long did it take for your ich to show up?

    I QT'd the last fish becuz it was a tang and I knew their reputation for ich. I did not QT prior fish. So the ich could have been present on one of the prior additions (meaning ich had been there 6+ months without me knowing it), it could have been on the tang in QT and I did not see it, or ich...
  6. 92protruck

    Pictures of unknown problem

    I would improve water quality. Use RO/DI water instead of well water. If you checked the voltage the correct way (one probe in the water and the other to ground) and got little or no voltage then water quality and improved diet with vitamins should be the ticket.
  7. 92protruck

    how long did it take for your ich to show up?

    My fish came down with ich 4 months after the last fish was introduced.
  8. 92protruck

    Ammonia in the mixing bucket!

    there was a long thread on another forum about several salt mixes that show .25 amm when mixed. The conclusion was that it was harmless as the biological filter in the tank quickly dissipated the amm. I ran into this myself and was concerned because I was using the new water for an uncycled QT...
  9. 92protruck

    PC lighting VS. VHO lighting & Tanks Size

    ARO 220 Ballast w/ endcaps, mounts, power cord, wire nuts and 60" wire $64.95. For dual ballasts setup that is $130.00. Add 4 46.5 URI bulbs for $23.95 each and you have a dual ballast setup for $226.00. Way cheaper than a dual 4L ballast set up. Just a suggestion.
  10. 92protruck

    PC lighting VS. VHO lighting & Tanks Size

    I apologize to Thomas, the members and to the readers. I do not have the same set up as Thomas. I made a mistake. Please disregard the first sentence of my post and try not to let it pollute the point I was trying to make...that being...I like the dual ARO ballasts, 4 bulb 46.5 VHO URI setup for...
  11. 92protruck

    Another Person Puzzled by pH

    you must have ran across my old posts. I too was concerned about low pH. I bought the pinpoint monitor and mine also goes from 7.85 in the a.m. to 8.10 in the p.m. I tried all the same things as you and my levels are fine also. I was told don't worry about it. I thought it had something to do...
  12. 92protruck

    PC lighting VS. VHO lighting & Tanks Size

    I have the same setup as Thomas but it was a little cheaper. I got the 46.5 VHO setup with 2 ballasts, endcaps and bulbs for $200.00. I didn't need the reflector or wiring harness since I was installing them in a custom hood with limited room. Buying the parts separately was cheaper than the...
  13. 92protruck

    Fish ID?

    I evidently don't have the same issue, but my mag tells you the name of the fish on the cover on the back of the mag just above your name and mailing address. I am looking at the April 06 issue and on the back it says "On the cover Unicorn Tang." This should help you out.
  14. 92protruck

    deep six reading?????????

    mine was that far off! I am not surprised.
  15. 92protruck

    Any southdown in South FL?

    I'm in Ft. Lauderdale and have a few bags I could spare if you are interested.
  16. 92protruck

    Eclipse 3 Hood Lighting Upgrade

    I don't know about the coralife fixture. I have the Current 65 watt 50/50 pc retro kit for the Eclipse 3. It goes in very easy without any modification whatsoever.
  17. 92protruck

    real quick ich question

    if you are trying to minimize your chances of a re-occurance of ich, then you should leave the tank fishless for 4 weeks. I wouldn't depend on anything else to kill ich.
  18. 92protruck

    Whats wrong with him?

    with a multimeter/voltage meter, set it to AC volts and put one lead in the water (don't touch anything like the tank or canopy) and one lead to ground (stick it in the round ground hole in the AC outlet if you know the outlet is properly grounded). Read voltage.
  19. 92protruck

    Black Ich Beth?

    I'm sorry no one is helping. I read your post but am not that familiar with black ich. Everytime I have seen a clown with black spots it was coral stings and alot of the time from mushrooms. I don't think clowns are very sucseptable to black ich like tangs where you usually find it. Maybe do a...
  20. 92protruck

    Cycling the Q. tank

    check your new saltwater mix to make sure it doesn't read .25 amm before you put it in.