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  1. reefmate75

    Is it ich?

    is that black markings on his shell or inside him? And ICK dose not infect shrimp, it looks like its inside him from the pics and probly something that he ate, are them black spots on his tail the same thing?
  2. reefmate75

    Someone snatch this Deal on equip CHEAP

    your price is fine, i belive i was first to respond to how great the price is, the problem though is that people live to far away that want the tank, try charging less for you delivering it, for that set up a pet store where i live would be chargeing around 4800-5600 and thats no joke, so anyone...
  3. reefmate75

    FS.// mag 9.5

    mag 9.5 for sell asking 55 SHIPPED has a long cord, probly not the 12 foot cord but if it was i wouldnt be suprized, i have it rolled up and zipp tied
  4. reefmate75

    Don't Do This

    or you could just add a UV....that will clear it up pretty fast haha (i have one for sell 30 watt)
  5. reefmate75

    Don't Do This

    Originally Posted by dfei Wow, that seems to be my problem! I'm brand new to this and I've been feeding 2-3x a day. I've got such a cloudy tank I can barely see the back of the tank. 65gal, 7fish, 3 urchins, 2 CC stars, 3 live rock, 1 dead coral. The water appears greenish so I've cut the...
  6. reefmate75

    how much for a mag 24

    100 is a decent price but will take awhile to sell
  7. reefmate75

    how much for a mag 24

    made by danner, the mag 24 depending on what shape the impeller is in and its age will bring 80-100 but will take awhile sence alot of people dont need/want that large of a pump but if you toss it up for 60 someone is bound to jump on it just to have one hahaha
  8. reefmate75

    Is bubble algae bad??

    i have a few bubbles nothing bad, i have the crabbs too and they dont touch it. if left alone it dosent spread to fast but when you start poping them ITS ON!!!! and they will win
  9. reefmate75

    Is This Red Slime???

    looks like it...hard to get rid of it, if you dont have any corals shut the light off for a few days, if you do have corals, old bulbs are the number 1 reason why it starts to grow, then you could be over feeding, or not doing water changes as much as you need
  10. reefmate75

    Quick cheato question

    you can make a hang on fuge...cheato dosent need alot of light but alittle standard bulb will make it grow and just run a power head from your tank to the box and have it overflow back into the could do as you asked but you want a good deal of it for it to benifit you at all and with...
  11. reefmate75

    How long to open?

    if you dont want to go with MH could always go with the old school VHOs but MH are the best choice and if it heats up your tank put some fans on it or raise it off the tank, being your tank is only 12" tall you could probly get by with 3 feet off the top of the water
  12. reefmate75

    Building extravagent stand.

    Originally Posted by The Egregious ok heres the deal. it's not done 100% but it's damn close all I need to do is add wood puddy and clear stain. please tell me what you think. want to build another one? that is really nice i think you found a calling hahahaha
  13. reefmate75

    sun corals

    i have a buddy that has trained his to open during the day, he said all you have to do is feed cyclopeeze and they will open up and just make sure they get some of them and after a few weeks they will open up when they belive they might get something to eat, so no feeding at night and they will...
  14. reefmate75

    I got TONs....

    my toads arnt slimy hahaha
  15. reefmate75

    Purple Mushroom Invasion

    you will never be able to totally get rid of all the shrooms if they have taken over every thing, the only way to insure you kill all of them is to boil all the rocks in your tank...and i do not reccomend doing that enless you want to start all over anyways, if all you have is shrooms get a...
  16. reefmate75

    PFO Dual 400W SE MH Setup.

    wish i had money to burn right now =(
  17. reefmate75

    Nitrates from 10ppm to 100ppm in one week??? What the heck???

    or you can ride it out till what ever it is thats rotting rots away
  18. reefmate75

    Nitrates from 10ppm to 100ppm in one week??? What the heck???

    my maroons stir up the sand bed every day and it dosent cause nitrates to go up like that, i would guess you have something thats dead and rotting in your tank, your biolacical filtraion is doing its job and converting the amm, No2 to No3 and thats where you get stuck with it i would deffently...
  19. reefmate75

    AHH! some type of crab, I think

    Originally Posted by GRabbitt Are the claws pointed? If so, question no further, just do what you can to remove it. porcelan crabs claws are pointed also and i wouldnt kill my 5
  20. reefmate75

    LTB mag 9.5

    you have PM