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  1. reefmate75

    Is there such a thing as too much chaeto?

    by cutting it back and removeing it you are takeing the toxins out that it has sucked up, i would say if you have a fuge the size of your DT full of chaeto that it might be hard to keep that from crashing at some point and mybe killing off your hole tank (i have never heard of this befor though)
  2. reefmate75

    macro algae of the moment: Ogo gracilaria

    where would i get some like that? ive never seen it for sell befor
  3. reefmate75

    green bubble algea ?

    you can cover them in super glue all you want, even starve them of light but it seems it just never gose away, they say emrald craps eat it but i have 5 in my tank and i have a few bubbles around here and there (dont pop them thats for sure)
  4. reefmate75

    Want to try to bred something in my tank

    24 gallon is perfect for breeding clowns, and yes you can have a pair of breeding bangaii in the same tank with any pair of clownfish you want clowns do not mind bangaii at all (and clownfish are some of the easiest to breed next to the bangaii ofcourse)
  5. reefmate75

    clown fish question

    small clows are not sexully mature and will sooner or later fight anyhow, but tends to be less agressive fighting when they start to fight sence they already know the other clown and normally they both already know who the dominate will be i always like to get a large one from one store and a...
  6. reefmate75

    white with a rose bubble tip

    thinking about getting a white BTA but i currently have 5 RBTA would they be ok together?
  7. reefmate75

    BTA with coral

    you can and almost every one that likes anemones do it, but anytime when putting a anemone in a tank you have to understand that there is always a risk that it will kill your other corals, i wouldnt worry to much about the zoos, or the leather, i have 5 RBTAs in my tank and the leathers dont...
  8. reefmate75

    Ro/di 100gpd F/s

  9. reefmate75

    OM Squirt and Super Squirt

    Originally Posted by Trumpety Brand new om squirt- never touched water $150.00 Used Super Squirt- Changed motor resently- $200.00 +plus shipping. Paypal needed Let me know if interested. sorry, what are they?
  10. reefmate75

    VHO/T5 ballast F/S retro

    i have a 220 watt VHO/T5 ballast for sell workhorse7 this ballast will run 2 48" VHOs ive never looked up the diagram for running T5s but i do know its rated to run eather of them, i have 10 of them which im only selling 1 of them, ive had 1 for 5 years and its still running and hooked up, this...
  11. reefmate75

    Ro/di 100gpd F/s

    dropping price to 140 shipped, this unit has to go
  12. reefmate75

    Ro/di 100gpd F/s

  13. reefmate75

    WTB ------ located in FL

    whats your email i can send you some pics of one i have
  14. reefmate75

    Ro/di 100gpd F/s

    whats expensive is going to the pet store to buy water at a dollar per gallon, and 1.25 for saltwater next time befor you smear my thread, please reserch RO/DIs first with 100 GPD membranes in them that are 6 stage if you think thats expensize ill sell you the vessels for 60 bucks and you can...
  15. reefmate75

    Ro/di 100gpd F/s

  16. reefmate75

    Ro/di 100gpd F/s

  17. reefmate75

    Porcelain Crabs

    i have 2 now and thats always the free item i sellect when i place a order here, very cool little guys, but mine like to hide i see them every now and then and they normally stay in the same spot for weeks
  18. reefmate75

    72 Inch light fixture for sale

    wish i had 650 bucks right about now! i would buy it!
  19. reefmate75

    F ocellaris clown

    thats odd, perculas dont normally kill another in the same tank with them, 3" is fully grown for them and the male will be dang near the same size as the female unlike maroons where the male i snormally 1/3 the females size but also if he fought back with her at the start of it clowns hold...
  20. reefmate75

    clown pairing ?

    perculas are fairly easy to pair and are some of the nicest clowns you will ever see, but i still have to recommend getting a smaller then the one you currently have, not a larger one becuase the one you have is still teritorial and the new comer will want dominace sence its larger and stronger...