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  1. dc2mlbsm

    Coral Food

    what kind of vitamins should I use?
  2. dc2mlbsm

    Coral Food

    so do u guys recommend me just feeding my fish and just adding vitamins or what? I will be feeding mysis shrimp if that helps
  3. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    well the crab came out already and I took it to the LFS and it got fed to an eel...I dont make my own salt water because I heard it has to be sitting in a bucket mixing for at least a day and I'll rather just go buy it from my LFS
  4. dc2mlbsm

    Coral Food

    I plan on having corals in my 20g whenever it finishes cycling and I was wondering what would I need to feed the corals? I plan on keeping soft corals, lps, and polyps.
  5. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    the thing is I don't mix my salt...I buy it from the LFS already mixed in the water at 1.024
  6. dc2mlbsm


    u need test for ph, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, calcium, and KH.
  7. dc2mlbsm

    Where can I buy egg crate?

    oh ok thanks 4 the info
  8. dc2mlbsm


    well is this a reef or fish only tank?
  9. dc2mlbsm

    post your temperatures

    i keep mine at 80
  10. dc2mlbsm

    Where can I buy egg crate?

    what is it used for?
  11. dc2mlbsm

    Where can I buy egg crate?

    noob question but what is an egg crate?
  12. dc2mlbsm

    Powder Brown Tang or WhiteCheek Tang?

    ha ur just like me then(my tank is still cycling)...well then i guess i vote for the powdered brown tang
  13. dc2mlbsm

    Powder Brown Tang or WhiteCheek Tang?

    well what other fish do u have? it will help me decide on which one i vote for
  14. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    yeah amma go to my LFS whenever i get it out and give it to them
  15. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    1st and 2nd options since the 3rd one aint an option for me(I buy my saltwater) and I dont wanna set up a trap. Thanks for your help
  16. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    tried and he aint bitting ill try again later on at night to see if thats when it eats
  17. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    anyone have any idea how i can get it out? it hides in the rock behind it all day
  18. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    k well since I dont have a sump or fuge when ever I catch it what should I do with it?
  19. dc2mlbsm

    ID this crab for me please

    y what do they do?