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  1. seltzerd

    Solaris 48" LED Light

    Originally Posted by SpiderWoman If you wait a month or so, more affordable and *better* LED systems are coming to the market :) Do ou have any manufacturer names?? Excited if better and better value for $ available....
  2. seltzerd

    Help this newbie

    Thanks all I do a drip acclimation over 2 hours. I think perhaps I am not being so precise on my water change temps. I figured if water was in safe range it would be okay. I guess I will buy a heater for my water change containers.
  3. seltzerd

    Help this newbie

    Thanks, Well I got it mid December and I know it was up and running at my LFS. I would guess a few weeks before that. When we picked it up, it was already 'set up' with 2 clowns, the wrasse, purple slug, mushroom, leather and tang. The shop owner (who seems knowledgable but I dont know) knew I...
  4. seltzerd

    Help this newbie

    Hello All, I have been searching these posts, but cant figure out my problem. I am sure this is duplicated somewhere, so my apologies. For the holidays, my wife bought me a nano (24g). I love it but am having trouble with my fish. The LFS she got it at set it up and had it running before I...