bearded dragon, ball python, chinchilla?
I have a chinchilla. They are cuddly little things. He's never bit me yet. Only thing is, he doesn't like to lay still; he's always trying to jump off the bed and run around the room. Cute though.
amphipods are much larger than copepods. it sounds like you have those. copepods look like tiny white points that kinda "shoot" in bursts throughout the water, while amphipods kinda scuttle.
I hear the rate has tripled within the last four years. =[
My snowflake eel attempted, but what given therapy and is starting to slowly rebuild his life.
these people are called psychopaths, and they have no regard for any human life, usually not even their own. They do this thing without a conscience, and it's a sad thing.
Does anyone know anyone who goes there?