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  1. fish3

    test kit

    what about alklinety
  2. fish3

    test kit

    i have a test kit for nirate, high range ph, ammonia and nirite what other tests should i get as i add more corals
  3. fish3


    do i need to spot feed leathers and button polys
  4. fish3


    ok just makein final preps for coral and rock tom.
  5. fish3


    should i acclimate live rock with new coral getting some new stuff tomorrow
  6. fish3

    first pics

    new rock coming tomorrow
  7. fish3

    too much algae

    i have had an algae explosion because of my new light what should i do my gsp seems to be closeing up and the polpys look brown
  8. fish3


    perfect what kind of media comes with skimmers usally
  9. fish3


    i ordered a red sea skimmer deluxe up to a hundred gallons do i need a power head for that and or other filter media
  10. fish3


    what is the best powerhead for 55 gal with a few corals i have a emporer 400
  11. fish3

    light acclimation

  12. fish3

    Parting off Reef Aquarium in Eastern PA

    how much is the tank and what size
  13. fish3

    too much light

    your right about the lights and thats probably the probelm thank you corajunky ben
  14. fish3

    light acclimation

    what is light acclimation
  15. fish3

    too much light

    20in high 48in long
  16. fish3

    too much light

    55 gal 56 watt before idk what light acclimation is
  17. fish3

    too much light

    i just got a 219 watt light and the algae seems to have grown a lot since then what should i do
  18. fish3

    green algae

    more algae now red al over tank
  19. fish3

    central il

    alright anything in sprienfield area or chatham
  20. fish3

    central il

    actually are their any lfs in central il