Search results

  1. reeferdude

    Baby Shark and Shrimp

    I have a 3 week old bamboo shark and I was wanting to get some cleaner shrimp and also some banded reef shrimp. Will my shark eat them when he gets bigger? Also he (the shark) isnt that active and hangs out in a couple of spots, will the shrimp kill the shark? Also are these shrimp kool with...
  2. reeferdude

    Refugium Questions

    I have a 120 that i would put this one on. The one i found was 13 1/4" L x 4 1/2" W x 12" H. The brand name is AquaFuge and i dont think it comes with a light but i am not sure. Here is the URL http://www.**************.com/produc...=6&pCatId=3618 When you say critters what do u mean? Like what...
  3. reeferdude

    Refugium Questions

    I was looking through an aquarium hardware catalog I just got and I saw a very kool looking thing called a refugium. This one hangs on the side of the tank and has its own powerhead to move water, best of all its only $99.99. My question is what is a refugium used for. The caption says it is...
  4. reeferdude

    Blue Hippo Tang: A beauty or BUST?

    My lfs just got one in the other day and i was about to start a thread on um. Will a small (3") be ok in my 120 with a yellow tang? Also he is charging $39.99 for this little guy and that just seems a little high for a 3" fish.
  5. reeferdude

    Shy lionfish

    Well maybe next time you should research fish a little more before you go and buy them, if not you should just go buy a goldfish :rolleyes:
  6. reeferdude

    Wrasse Problem

    I bought a new wrasse and he got a little to close to my anemone and now his tail doesnt work. Will he get over this or not?
  7. reeferdude

    New cleaner wrasse disapeared

    my wrasse will hide in the sand and he really looks dead. The other day I though he was so i reached in and grabbed him and almost got him out of the water before he woke up and got really mad. So i know mine is a master hider.
  8. reeferdude


    Right now I have about a 2.5" Picasso Trigger and I absolutely love him. I want to check into getting maybe a small Clown Trigger or another type of trigger. The only problem I could foresee would be either my shark being picked on or the new guy getting beaten up by the old trigger. If you want...
  9. reeferdude

    Fish Suggestions

    no, none of my fish pick on each other. People tell me that my trigger and tang will kill the baby shark but they are fine around him. They only problem I might have is when my shark gets a little bigger him going after my goby. But other than that my tank is fine!!
  10. reeferdude

    Fish Suggestions

    In my 120 I have 3 Green Chromis, 3 Yellow Tail, 1 Three Stripe, 1 Domino, 1 Blue Reef Chromis, 1 Picasso Trigger, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Bamboo Shark, 1 Mandrin Goby. I was thinking about getting a small porcupine puffer but from what I hear they will pick on everything and I have a baby shark so I...
  11. reeferdude

    Non-Suicidal Eels

    Well i am not going to go through all the trouble to do that stuff. All I wanted to know is are there any types of eels that are less likely to go carpet surfing?
  12. reeferdude

    Non-Suicidal Eels

    I have had 2 snowflake eels go carpet surfing in the last month and I was just wondering if there are any eels without a death wish because I want to put one in my 120 but I cant put a hood on because of all my oddly shaped hang on filters.
  13. reeferdude

    Name That Wrasse

    Well mine was great till he got to close to my anemone and now his whole back half is paralyzed. I isolated him and I am going to start soaking his food in garlic to try and help him heal faster.
  14. reeferdude

    Name That Wrasse

    I bought a long yellow fish from ***** and of course the guy didnt know what it was. I think it is a wrasse because of its long slender body type. It is solid yellow exept for 2 or 3 small black dots on this fins. Can you name that wrasse?
  15. reeferdude

    Shark Feeding

    no his tankmates dont mess with him at all, the only problem i have is when i leave a fish in for the shark the trigger goes and hides it.
  16. reeferdude

    Goby Help

    well right now he is in a 10 gallon iso tank but i have a 120 that has some kind of white pods in my 120 so should i throw him in there?
  17. reeferdude

    Goby Help

    I just got a new Mandrin Goby. What does he eat and how do I feed him?
  18. reeferdude

    Shark Feeding

    I have a baby bamboo shark and he has been out of his egg for about 2 weeks. I cut him out prematurely, so when he came out he still had his yolk sac on. Well in a week it was gone and it has been a week since then. Now he just kinda lounges around hiding under rocks. I am trying to feed him...
  19. reeferdude

    Clown for my Condi

    how do u mean didn’t like it? and what would you suggest for a beginner clown/anemone.