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  1. reeferdude

    Clown for my Condi

    I just bought a very large condi (it has cream color tentacles and purple tips.) I was just wondering what clowns will use him as a home.
  2. reeferdude

    Need ID

    I have had my 120 set up for about 2 months now and the other day I woke up and there were lots of little white pods all over the glass. I let it go for a couple of days and the smaller ones fell off but some of the other ones got a little bigger. Well I would just like to know what they are and...
  3. reeferdude

    Extreme Brown Algae Outbreak

    I just started school recently and I haven’t had as much time as I did during the summer to micro manage my tanks. In one of my tanks the brown algae had gotten out of control so since I didn’t have any fish in it I just turned the light off and left it off for about 2 weeks and all of the algae...
  4. reeferdude

    Aquarium Sharks Information

    If you are going to dive with "meat-eating" sharks just remember to stay calm and keeps your hands in!!!!! I have seen whole fingers be taken off by white tip reef sharks!!!!
  5. reeferdude

    Help Shark Hatching!!!!!

    well the only guy i was worried about is that trigger but he is still very small and hasnt hit that agressive stage yet so he really just leaves the shark alone.
  6. reeferdude

    Help Shark Hatching!!!!!

    Suprizingly enough none of the other fish are bugging him and he is doing fine. The yolk sac is getting smaller by the day and is now only the size of a very small grape. Thanks for all the advise!!!
  7. reeferdude

    Help Shark Hatching!!!!!

    I refuse to let nature run its course when it is going to cost me money because one of my fish is going to die. If you practice what you preach then that would mean that when one of your fish got sick, all you would do is just let it run its course. So please don’t tell me to "let nature run its...
  8. reeferdude

    Crushed Coral vs Sand

    I used a combo of both but i ended up with more sand on one side and more rock on the other.
  9. reeferdude

    Lookin in the Dallas, TX area 100 gal +

    Well If you are gonna do this deal with this guy i have a couple of emperors that I would sell you for DIRT CHEAP!!!!!!!
  10. reeferdude

    Lookin in the Dallas, TX area 100 gal +

    Well if you know what you are doing just go to petsmart and just buy a 120 gallon or so tank.
  11. reeferdude

    Boo Trouble

    Well the tang is only in the 10 gallon cause I am working on getting rid of him because my lfs guy told me that 2 yellow tangs would be fine in the same tank, and regarding the eel tank, it has been set up for about 8 months and everything is fine. I do weekly water changes in all my tanks and...
  12. reeferdude

    Boo Trouble

    well he is 4 inches long and the trigger is about 2 right now so I have a great deal of time before i have an 11 inch trigger and a 3 foot shark on my hands.
  13. reeferdude

    Boo Trouble

    Well in terms of tank size you and my lfs guy disagree. He told me that a bamboo would be fine and i could get a ray too.
  14. reeferdude

    Boo Trouble

    I have a baby bamboo shark and he is hiding behind a piece of lr? he is breathing and was swimming. Is this normal?
  15. reeferdude


    well thats where i started off and no one helped me so i came here
  16. reeferdude

    Help Me Convince My Folks

    well in terms of filtration i had a DIY Wet/Dry built for my 120 but my parents deamed it as "unsafe" seeing as how if the returm pump failed the I would have 120 gallons of water in my floor in half an hour. So they forced me to go with cans. I am looking for a good UV but I dont know ANYTHING...
  17. reeferdude

    Help Me Convince My Folks

    Hi, My name is Matt........and I'm a fishoholic. Right now I have 4 Marine tanks and 4 Freshwater tanks, I will be the first to admit that this is a little more than a hobby but I love it! My parents have a 29 gallon freshwater and they are convinced that that’s enough. They just redecorated our...
  18. reeferdude

    Price on a ray

    Don’t think so? I had the guy at my lfs tell me that a Bamboo shark and a small Caribbean ray would be fine in my 120 (I believe you more cause I think that he is just trying to make me buy crap.) What would you say the min. tank size for a ray is? At least 6 feet long right????
  19. reeferdude

    Price on a ray

    Is this a good price on a ray?|stuff.dat|Stingrays|merchant=saltwaterfish
  20. reeferdude

    Help Shark Hatching!!!!!

    ya well the lfs guy told me to take him out when he started movin so i did and i think that he still has the yolk attached cause there is a little ball hangin off his butt