Been looking at the Koran or Emperor Angel to add to my 100g. Currently have a V. Lionfish, Clown Trigger, Goldentail and Mexican Jeweled Eels. Would an Angel fit in or will I be overstocking? Any conflict between fish (besides trigger and lion)? Any help is appreciated.
Ok i get it. Either buy a bottle every few days or take him back to LFS. At about $25 a bottle, he'll be more expensive to keep than my German Shepard. LFS it is. On the FuManchu, is the 24g too small? Thanks for the help.
Actually, its just him, 2 anemones, 2 snails, a crab, and the ghost of my clown that passed in a tragic rock slide a while back. The bottles of pods that i buy contain 1500-2000 according to the label.
Had 4 damsels in my 100g, biggest 2 killed off smaller 2, so i added bigger fish. Survived for a while till i added my mexican jeweled eel, he made quick work of them.
I have a 100g with 2 big aggresive fish and 2 eels. All i have is a wet dry system and nothing else. Only problem i have (if you can call it that) is my nitrates are hovering around 40. I do a 20% water change once a month and that's it.