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  1. nikesb

    Loosing SPS coral over time!! Help Please

    can you get it verified with an LFS. seachem tests are not accurate usually. can you describe the ways your acro dies?
  2. nikesb

    Loosing SPS coral over time!! Help Please

    what is your dkh
  3. nikesb

    Too much light?

    zoas touching each other shouldnt be a problem. are you sure your zoas are healthy?
  4. nikesb

    How Much Should I Feed My Fish?

    oh dear. smh.
  5. nikesb

    T5 Lighting ( How long do i keep them on? )

    i see coralline. try checking your parameters like i said
  6. nikesb

    T5 Lighting ( How long do i keep them on? )

    it sure will. you can also scrape off some of the coralline off a rock and spread it around your tank
  7. nikesb

    T5 Lighting ( How long do i keep them on? )

    yes they will. just get the correct size. coralife bulbs are nothing compared to ATI and KZ
  8. nikesb

    T5 Lighting ( How long do i keep them on? )

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Limpid If you had the fixture for 6 months it may be time to replace bulbs, see manufacture sugestion, not sure the type with coralife fixtures. They do have bulbs that last 12 months at twice the price. The length of time depends on what is in your tank, the...
  9. nikesb

    T5 Lighting ( How long do i keep them on? )

    definately get better bulbs (ATI, korallen-zucht, etc). as for coralline, keep a good balance of calcium, alk, and magnesium. ive grown coralline under regular flood lights so its not so much about lights. for calcium u should be looking at 420-450 alkalinity 9-10 magnesium 1400. the magnesium...
  10. nikesb


    yes, those coralife power surges are horrible. thats what makes the difference between true aquarium controllers and regular timers
  11. nikesb

    10 gal nano by 1guydude

    chemi pure elite contains a better quality carbon imo. it also contains some gfo to remove some phosphates
  12. nikesb

    10 gal nano by 1guydude

    carbon is a type of media. but honestly, i had great success with chemi pure elite as have other nano hobbyists.
  13. nikesb

    10 gal nano by 1guydude

    i think youll find a way. you also might want to look up the ac70 media basket
  14. nikesb

    10 gal nano by 1guydude

    no need for the rocks either. put some filter pad before the macro algae, and that should be it. your other filter can run something like chemipure elite.
  15. nikesb

    10 gal nano by 1guydude

    exactly what i mean. its already slow enough, slow with sand is not good for a fuge
  16. nikesb

    150 gal fowlr?

    two thalassoma might be pushing it. you can do other wrasses, but choose different a different genus of wrasse
  17. nikesb

    10 gal nano by 1guydude

    you dont need sand in your refugium, itll just be a nitrate factory with that kind of flow going through it
  18. nikesb

    would pc lighting be okay for a rbta

    id put it on a rock low if it were under mh and try moving the rock up if you can to see how much light it wants
  19. nikesb

    would pc lighting be okay for a rbta

    what wattage of mH? pc barely has any penetrable par